Saturday, August 28, 2004
{Name?} Danielle Rose
{Nicknames?} Dani, Yellie, Lellie, Lellie-belly, Nelly, Danielly, (kinda pitiful, ain't it), Squeaky toy
{Screen name?} mysticalrose1888
{Birthday?} May 18, 1988
{Age?} Take a wacky wild guess
{Weight?}...ummm I think 125 lbs
{Astrological sign?} Taurus...but I really don't pay attention to that crap.
{Chinese zodiac sign?} I don't know. You pick
{Location?} at my computer
{Marital status?} I have a boyfriend. <3
{Eye color?} Blue/green- gray
{Height?} 5'2...I think that makes me the shortest person out of the group
{shoe size?} Why do you care? 61/2 - 7
{Parents still together?} No. Both remarried, and my mom is on to her third marriage. Ha!
{Siblings?} Yep. To make it simple, 6 siblings, and 3 soon to be step. Go figure.
{Neices/Nephews?} No.
{Kids of your own?} No! What are you insinuating?! hehe
{Grandkids?} Slow are we? Read above.
{Pets?} A guinea pig named Piglet
{Education?} I'm a junior at my high school. I plan on going to college.
{Rent, lease, own your home?} Live with my dad and stepmom
{Credit cards?} Once again, why do you care? No.
{What do you drive?} My parents crazy. I don't have a lisence.
{Color} Blue, purple, green.
{Number} umm..9 or 13
{Animal} Cats, ducks, and guinea pigs
{Vehicle} What ever works.
{Flower} Rose and lilacs.
{Scent} Read above.
{Shape} Umm... a circle.
{Drinks} Coffee and pop. Kool-aid works. As long as it's sweet.
{Soda} Mountain Dew
{Book} Anything by Victoria Holt, Dee Henderson, Gayle Roper. There's so many..Books are my life...
{Band} Umm.... Point of Grace
{Song} Umm...too many to write down...
{Food} Ice cream, shrimp, cheesecake, brownies, chocolate
Do you...
{Color your hair?} Nope. No desire to.
{Twirl your hair?} As in curl it? No
{Have tattoos?} No...even if I did want one, my dad would kill me.
{Peircings?} My ear lobe. Anywhere else, my dad would yank it out.
{Cheat on tests/homework?} I used to cheat every once in a while on hw.
{Like roller coasters?} I have been on one, and I hate them with a burning passion.
{Wish you could live somewhere else?} No. I love this town.
{Want more piercings?} No, that wouild be like having a death wish.
{Like cleaning?} I hate cleaning my own house.
{Write in cursive or print?} Depends on the mood.
{ Carry a donar card?} I have to get my blood tested for a disease that runs thru my family 1st
{Swear alot?} Maybe two swear words..a year.
{Own a web cam?} Nope.
{Know how to drive?} Yea..stay off the sidewalks when I get my lisence
{Diet?} The Seefood diet. I see food and eat it.
{Own a cell phone?} No..something tells me I won't for a while: I lost my dad's already..
{Ever get off the computer?} Yeah...
{Habla Espanol?} What's that?
Have you ever...
{Gotten a speeding ticket?} No, thank God.
{DUI?} Read above
{Been in a wreck?} Only when my mom was pregnant w/me. She was just learning to drive (she was 22..don't ask)
{Been arrested?} Nope
{Been in a fist fight?} No. Slapping fight with my sister? Yes.
{Kicked someone in the nuts?} No, although I've been tempted to.
{Stolen anything?} No
{Held a gun?} Yes {Drank?} no
{Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?} I'd have to have drank No.
{Considered a life of crime?} No, unless you count jokingly considering causing my sister to *mysteriously* disappearing.
{Considered being a hooker?} O.o NO!!! Why, are you looking for one?
{Cried over a girl?} No
{Cried over a boy?} Yes, once. I'll never let that happen again.
{Lied to someone?} I'd be lying if I said no.
{Been in love?} Am right now. <3 color="#cc33cc">{Fallen for your best friend?} No. Wouldn't want to do that either.
{Made out with JUST a friend?} No way!
{Been rejected?} I don't think so.
{Used someone?} No, I couldn't do that.
{Been used?} Manipulated, but other than that, no.
{Been kissed?} :-) Yes
{Current mood} Curious.
{Current music} Def Leppard (My boyfriend gae it to me).
{Current taste} Sweet stuff I guess..
{Current hair} Bed head..I can't find the brush
{Current annoyance} My sister turning off my current music.
{Current smell} Wow these questions are getting odd..
{Current thing I ought to be doing} Folding laundry
{Current windows open} My bedroom window...Oh, you mean on the computer! The internet.
{Current desktop picture} I don't know. Whatever the computer automatically puts on
{Current book} A Day in the life of Ivan summer novel that I putting off.
{Current CD in stereo} Def Leppard.
{Current crush} My boyfriend, Greg. *Sigh*
{Current faveorite celeb} Don't have one.
{Current hate} A certain lack of chocolate.
{Current job} Being lazy.
The last time..
{Last book you read} The Indespensible Calvin and Hobbes. :-)
{Last movie you saw} Bring It On
{Last thing you had to drink} Milk
{Last thing you ate} Oreos
{Last person you talked to on the phone} Greg :-D
Do you..
{Do drugs?} No
{Have a dream that keeps reoccuring?} Once upon a time.
{Play an instrument?} I sing.
{Beleive there is life on other planets?} No, not really.
{Remember your first love?} Yeah:-)
{Still love him/her?} That's who I'm with.
{Read the newspaper?} Every once in a while..
{Have any gay/lesbian friends?} Not very close friends, but yes.
{Believe in miracles?} Yes, wholeheartedly.
{Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?} Yes.
{Consider yourself tolerant of others?} yeah..for the most part..I'm not tolerant of liars.
{Consider love a mistake?} No
{Have a favorite candy?} Snickers candy bar
{Do well in school?} Depends on if I turn in my homework.
{Go to or plan on going to college?} I plan on going to college.
{Wear hats?} Rarely
{Hate yourself?} That would be rather pointless, wouldn't it? No, I don't.
{Have an obsession?} Chocolate. Whoever discovered it is my hero.
{Have a secret crush?} Notice how that comes right after haveing an obsession. No, I don't.
{Do they know yet?} Read above...
{Collect anything?} No
{Have a best friend?} A couple..
{Close friends?} Several.
{Like your handwriting?} Strange question..Umm..I really don't care.
{Care about looks?} Sometimes
Love life
{First crush} is now a good friend of mine..Derek.
{First kiss} My first boyfriend, Alex.
{Single or attached} Attached.
{Ever been in love} How many times do we have to go through this. Yes.
{Do you believe in love at first sight?} No, that crap is for stuff like Romeo and Juliet.
Wow, this quiz was long. I think I've wasted enough of your time.
Dani Rose
Monday, August 23, 2004
I'm Home!!!!!
I'm home. Yay. In the past month I've only been home for a week. Emily's back, and I slept over at her house last night. I had so much fun. I'm glad Emmy's back. I missed you Emmy!!!! Hehe. Anyway, hopefully my life will return to some semblance of normalcy. Probably too much to hope for. Oh well, that's life. Wow, this font color is hard to read!
Dani Rose
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Hey, Laura is coming up today to visit. This ought to be interesting. Even with all the crap that has happened, I still want to see her. She's my mother, and I guess I'll always be like this. There's a lot of history behind me and her, and much of it is not the good kind. But I've never really cared. I've always forgiven her, always will. Sometimes I think I forgive to easily, but who knows, who cares? I don't. Oh, and she's bringing her latest conquest..I mean boyfriend =>, Robert. Luckily, he's not as bad as her last husband, the redneck idiot. *sigh* I'm tired. I think my sister Gabrielle is going to have bruises when she wakes up from me elbowing her. We had to share a bed, and she kept making these weird noises in the middle of the night, so I elbowed her. Oops:-) Dani Rose |
Friday, August 20, 2004
They are back. It's been a rather interesting evening. I don't think I'll ever get completely used to a full-blown British accent. My Nanny has a friend and her grandson from England visiting, and they definately have an accent. :-) Oh, and surprisingly enough, I got paid for house sitting. THat's a nice bonus. SHOPPING SPREE!!!!!! j/k
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
brought to you byDani Rose
Yay! Last day of house sitting:-)
~~~Today should be my last day of house sitting. Now, don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed it. It's just it's kinda lonely. Nanny has two cats, Beatrice (Bea) and Buffy the Mouse Slayer (for simplicities sake, we just call her Buffy). Anyway, Buffy loves to play fetch. It's so wierd. She has this huge collection of toy mice, and gets so excited if I bring one out of the drawer. She expects me to throw it, then she'll run and return it to me, expecting me to throw it again. This can go on and on. i watched 4 hours of Law and Order. I couldn't help it, I wanted to find out how they found the killer and convicted him/her. ~~~Oh, Geoff, cool blog. Emily should be back from camp in a few days. Yay:-) It'lI be nice to be able to get back to life as usual. Does anyone know what day school starts? Ashley says Hi Y'all!!!!! Dani Rose |
Monday, August 16, 2004
TV Dinners
You're Element is Water. You are soft and serene at most times but like Wind, you're scary when you're mad. You proabaly have a talent is singing and even your speaking voice is lovely. You have an innocent type of beauty that makes you look younger than you are and you like close relationships with people. What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by |
TV dinners equate least to those who can't be bothered to cook "real" meals. Yeah, I'm a little bored and very happy:-)
Dani Rose
Friday, August 13, 2004
Hurricane Charley
Is anyone else besides me keeping track of Hurricane Charley? I don't know, I guess I just miss being right there in the middle of the storm, as weird as that may sound. Anyway, at the moment it is heading through central Florida(so, it won't hit Ashley's area), with sustained winds of 89 mph, with unofficial reports of wind gusts up to 120 mph. It's supposed to make another landfall, on the Carolinas. Whatever. BTW, I'm very bored, as if you haven't come to that conclusion. That's what I get for typing on here and watching the Weather channel. heehee Dani Rose |
Life is alot better now.
~~~I have an update for you. Dad decided that he is not going to force Alex to move to Laura's. That's a good thing because she really didn't want to. Things might actually have reached a turning point. Alex's attitude is getting better, thus there are less fights around the house, and Mom & Dad have made several changes . Some as simple as where Alex sits at the dinner table (surprisingly that makes a very big difference). And although my parents have alot of right to ground her from the world, they aren't. They are actually going to pay for horseback riding lessons (something she has always wanted), as an incentive for her to start to change her life style. Thank God. You wouldn't believe the tension that has been around this house the past 3-4 weeks. I really hope things will start to get better. I really do.
~~~My Dad got me up at an ungodly hour this morning: he got me up at 6:30. He wants to get tickets to see Bush (?) and we were supposed to leave at 7. At &:40, I'm typing here. Anything wrong with this picture?
Dani Rose
Wednesday, August 11, 2004 royally sucks...
As the title says, life really sucks right now. My sister and parents are arguing more often than usual. Alex keeps going behind the parents back and doing things, even simple things, then lying to theirface about it. Not only that, she's made some choices that can never be reversed, as much as our parents have warned her about it. Needless to say my parents are upset and at their wits end. Well, dad told Alex to call Laura, and tell her the whole truth of what happened. Then alex is to ask Laura if she can move in with her. The subject of alex moving to Laura's has come up before, but normally with alex saying she wanted to, and dad saying it would be a cold day in *you get the point* before he would let her. I honestly don't know what to do or think. Three things came to mind A: Will Laura let her? B: I'm going to miss her like crazy if she does c: Maybe it's for the best. She has a nasty attitude to everyone in the house, has a bad influence over the little kids, and is causing everyone so much pain and heartache. I used to be the one she trusted, but ever since a certain thing happened, she doesn't trust me any farther than she could throw me. I'm scared and sad for her, but at the same time, i'm watching my parents and seeing the effect she's having on them. *Sigh* As soon as it reaches a decent hour, I think I'll call Greg.
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Dani Rose