Wednesday, October 27, 2004

True to my word...


True to my word, I did resolve things last night and calmed down. So things are all good again. Emily and Chad are very cute together, and it's fun hearing Emily talk about Chad (she's smitten in my humble opinion) ...and now I'm going to avoid the glare/smack I'm sure to get when Emily sees me again. Oh, my concert last night went relativley well:-) Bel Canto didn't massacre their songs, and we had fun. So it was a success. I'm really bored right now. School has been going relativly well..or at least as good as can be expected. I haven't really seen much of Brandon lately. It's just the way things go. Hmm..maybe I'll call him. Things have changed alot. But , I think for the better. I turned in my application for Washington DC. I'm so excited. It's going to be an awesome experience, and I've wanted to do that for a long time!!! Tomorrow, Greg and I will have been going out for 8 months. *~*happiness*~* BTW, Greg's Eagle ceremony is November the 6th, if any of y'all can go. G2G

Dani Rose

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

*calming down*


Ok, so I got irritated today. Something is going on with a very close friend, and no one will tell me what. I get the impression that I'm not trusted, but I could be wrong. I also got the impression that it was for my own good or something. Screw that. That's basically what I told Greg and Brandon. *sigh* I just want to know what's going on, and if I could help. But it's mainly my pride that is ruffled right now. So it's all good. I'm sure I will be more civilized tomorrow.

Dani Rose

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Washington DC

I'm excited. I get to go to Washington DC this spring. that will be a facinating experience.
Emily will be going too. Party!! Just kidding. The election is coming up soon. Things are geting really viscious. I just want to stay out of the line of fire. Personally, I think Kerry will win. grr.

Dani Rose

Saturday, October 09, 2004



I'm really happy. I got to spent most of my day with Greg. He woke me up at 9:00 and we went to his church to help at the bazaar. That was certainly interesting. There were alot of old people buying guady jewelry, and telling funny stories. Greg's mom got me an awesome pair of troll earings. heehee. Then Greg came over and we played a video game. I creamed him, but I don't think either of us cared. I got ungrounded from the phone. Yay.

Dani Rose

Friday, October 08, 2004

Better week.

Hey, well the week improved alot. yay.

Ok, so maybe I should elaborate. I passed several tests, didn't have much homework, and crap...
But of course, I did manage to get grounded for a day, and my parents canceled something I was looking foward to. Grrr. Oh well. I'm going to watch the debate tonight.

Dani Rose

Tuesday, October 05, 2004



These last two days have been quite the low since Homecoming. Yesterday, I was tired as heck, had a headache, and was just plain grouchy. It all started when my sister couldn't figure out how to work the alarm and it went off every 20 seconds. It went downhill from there. Today was better, but not much better. My siblings are being brats and tryiong to start arguments everytime I turn around. Emily is haveing a crappy day too :-( I hope things start looking up for you tomorrow. Noelle has a new blog:
Take a peek at it sometime.

Dani Rose

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Homecoming 2004

Wow, the homecoming game and dance was so awesome!!!!

The Titans won 54-14 against the Huron River Rats. Go Titans!!!! It was a really wet and cold miserable night, but I don' t think very many people cared. Emmy, Derek, Geoff, Jocie, Noelle, Emma, and Greg were all there. It certainly was an interesting evening. There was a little controversy over Chad, but that's solved now. It was pretty fun teasing Derek. He's good for that :-) j/k. Oh, the choir performance during the pep rally was awesome. But I think the rest of the pep rally sucked. But they always do, don't they?

The preparation for the Homecoming dance was long and extensive. At 1 yesterday afternoon, I met Emmy at the hair salon to get our hair put up. I swear, they used at tleast half a bottle of hairspray and 5o bobby pins just to get my hair to stay! But the results were great. Emily and I looked great (in my humble opinion of course...). After that, we headed to McDonalds and pigged out. What can I say? I was hungry! Anyway, I headed to Emily's house, then we started getting preparations under way. Jocie, Stephanie, Noelle all showed up, so we had fun getting their hair done and makeup done. Then the guys came. Greg brought me a really pretty rose cosage (roses are my favorits flowers), and Gregs mom knit me the most awesome shawl! *happiness* Chad was late (of course), but he brought a pretty cosage for Emmy. Derek came, and that made things pretty interesting. after all the guys showed up, we took pictures...lots and LOTS of pictures...

The actual dance was a wonderful experience. I danced with Greg alot, and Emily dance to every song with Chad. and they are officially going out now. FINALLY!!! Anyways, the music was loud (almost too long), the selection wasn't half bad, and of course, the decorations were cheesy. It was really funny watching Emily and Chad make Laura jealous. Don't ask how. It was great spending time with The Group, but I loved being with Greg. Oh. Greg and I made a bet: he said I wouldn't last 30 minutes wearing my high heels. I won..I wore them for 35 minutes. Ha! I swear it was some vindictive man that invented high heels!! He must have been irritated at the female species or something. Anyway. Unlike last homecoming, I had absolutely no problem dancing with Greg..hehe. alot has changed in the past year, huh? Noelle liked the songs, and a "rap" dosie-do. Jocie had a lot of fun and enjoyed being with the group. Katie like most seeing Geoff dance. Emily like most dancing with Chad. Personally, I liked being with Greg, and the group in a circle dancing. Everyone danced, including Greg, Derek, and Geoff. I was a little sad to see the dance end. They played a really retarded last song: The Reason. Grrr...

After the dance, Emily, Geoff and I made an improptu stop at Meijer for ice cream. It was funny walking through Meijer in formals. Then the girls hung out and talked. Emily got the digital pictures on to the computer and thay are awesome. This morning, Emmy and I took pistures of every one just as they were waking. right now, Noelle and Jocie are trying to give high fives and keep missing. Now they are telling "your mamma" jokes.

I didn't want Homecoming to end: Emmy and I have been looking foward and planning for about 3 -4 months. well, next big thing..Prom?

Dani Rose