Friday, June 04, 2004

I'm typing this while at school, when I'm supposed to be doing my final exam project. Gah! What in the world was Mr. Tiesworth thinking when he decided that we should do a project instead of a traditional exam?!? Probably that most people do better on projects than exams. Not the case with me. I suck at projects (procrastination...keeping up with yesterday as Brandon would say), but excel at standardized tests and such. Whatever. I'm so excited about the end of the school year. I have less than a week. I'm lucky, I'm exempt from my gym exam(I hate gym as a rule), and it happens to be on the last day of school. I don't have to go to school, but I am anyways. I'll just hang out with Chad and Laura. Yay!!! Tiesworth still isn't here...ha tends to be later than the students. anyway...Greg and I have been going out for 3 months and counting. It is absolutly wonderful:-)He is the only one who has the patience to deal with my fluctating moods with ease (I swear, he has the patience of a saint!). People say that I have him "whipped", which kinda confuses me. In other words, they think that if I said "jump", he's say "how high". But in reality, if I said "jump", he's more likely to put a lon-suffering look on his face and roll his eyes.(yeah, I'm purposely taking things literally:->)He's really sweet:-D Wednesday afternoon, he randomly gave me a pretty flower...I'm definatly going to save it.*sigh*. Ashley is moving in about two months. I'm really going to miss her. We went from kinda friends to best friends in about a year, and we've went through quite a bit together. She is the type that I quite easily spen 6 hours at the mall and never be bored(I can't normally stay there any longer than 2 hours). If I had a problem, I could talk to her about it without getting yelled at, and at the same time, she doesn't have much of a problem talking to me. Emily, Ashley and I: The 3 musketeers. ;-)
Dani Rose

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