Thursday, January 04, 2007


For those of y'all who know me, you're used to this. The Squeaks. The really loud, obnoxious sound that just begs to be made fun of or stared at. It's become a normalcy with a few random jokes thrown in (rubber duckies anyone?). but seriously: it's annoying.
What are they? basically my typical explaination goes as such: They come from my esophagus and stomach, and are related to acid reflux disease. No, they are not hiccups. And NO they are NOT Tourrets syndrome. That's rght, you don't have to worry about me sponteniously swearing at you as well. These 'squeaks' are just a freak of nature that have only been in existence for 5 years, just in time for High school.
Since thy've developed, I've often felt like I have a big red arrow pointing at me demanding every one to stop what they are doing and proceed to stare, snicker, or whatever. No, I'm not exxagerating: imagine you making some extra-loud hiccup-burp sounding noise in the middle of public, all the time. Not that I mind or what ever, it's just that I don't typically like giving people reason to stare, snicker, or whatever.
No, they aren't a cry for attention, as some have thought. Actually, they hurt...sometimes.
I kinda wonder how many people my age have acid-reflux disease. I mean, I've had this since a toddler. It has caused a significant sensitivity to foods (ice cream, pop, coffee, anything even remotely spicy, citrus stuff, milk, tomatoey stuff, chocolate, and the list goes on). I have all the classic symptoms: frequent heartburn (though not very severe), very frequent indigestion, regurgitation (semifrequent), and of course, sensitivity to foods. Yay.

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