Tuesday, October 28, 2003

In response to what I wrote yesterday, I do to trust Brandon. As unitnelligent as it probably is, I do. Em had yelled at me last night about trusting him so blindly. She had said something about a rumor going around that Brandon was cheating on Ashley with Sarah, and I din't even think about believing her. He said that he couldn't stand lying, and that definatly counts for lying. Anyway, she told me to take off my blinders. The thing is, I don't think he could do something like that. I mean, Fridaay is a good example. When he unknowingly made a mistake, he seriously got depressed and wouldn't stop trying to make it up to me. Either that, or he's an Emmy award worthy actor. I'm inclined to beleive the first one. Why can't life be fair to those who deserve it the most? (no, I'm not referring to myself)

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