Monday, December 27, 2004
The Windy City
It looks like I'm going to Chicago with Emily. This ought to be interesing. I am pretty excited (I love going to big cities...just not living in them). We will be going to several museums, and shopping, then visiting her relatives. Fun Fun.
Dani Rose
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
I would yell..but I don't have the energy to.
I'm so tired. Greg didn't end up coming over. I'm pretty dissappointed about that. It didn't work out because mom was planning to run errands all afternoon, and she couldn't garuntee to get him home on time. I don't think I will be able to see im till next week. Meanwhile, I went with my mom shopping...a joyful endeavor....I swear, she developes ADD as soon as she sets foot in any store. I took a nap, only to get woken up to do chores. I was a little irritated. Did you like the jokes that I posted? Zak found them. today is supposed to be the shortest day of the year. Not short enough.
Dani Rose
Monday, December 20, 2004
First day of Christmas break
Today started out wonderfully. I spent the night at Emily's house, so I woke up to her getting into an argument with her mom. It was still dark out! Oh well. She ended up falling back asleep for a couple hours, and I was pinned down by her kitten, Simon, sleeping on my arm. That was ok. When I got home, I took a nap, and my guinea pig was curled up on my stomach. He's the cutest thing that I have ever seen!!! anyway, if the weather is good, Greg will come over tomorrow. I hope he will. He'll probably bring over his sister to keep mine out of my hair. Snowball fight anyone? I can't believe it's almost Christmas. No..I'm not one of those type of people who can't fall asleep on christmas Eve out of excitement. I lost that years ago. But it is a fun holiday, and very important to me. Zak gave me several humorous lists. I'll post them.
Top 10 Signs Santa Doesn't Like Your Kid
10. Kid's letter to north pole comes back stamped, "Dream on, Chester!"
9. Kid asks for new bike, gets a pack of smokes.
8. Along with presents, Santa leaves hefty bill for shipping and handling.
7. By the time he gets to your house, all he has left are Styrofoam peanuts.
6. Christmas day, your kid wakes up with a Reindeer head in his bed.
5. Instead of "Naughty" or "Nice", Santa has him on the dork list.
4. Sends him off on a Carnival Cruise with Kathie Lee.
3. First words when kid gets on his lap are, "Touch my beard and I'll put the
hurt on you".
2. Labels on all your kid's toys read, "Straight from Craptown."
1. Four words: "Off my lap, Tubby!"
Top Ten Things A Department Store Santa Doesn't Want To Hear From Kids
10. "Remember me? I'm the kid with the weak bladder"
9. "You smell like supermarket gin"
8. "The real miracle on 34th Street would be if they accepted my mom's MasterCard"
7. "I want a 2004 Pontiac Aztec"
6. "Oh, by the way, if I don't get an X-Box, I'm gonna hunt you down, old man"
5. "I'm Jewish"
4. "I love you Kenny Rogers"
3. "Frankly I'm just here to humor my parents"
2. "While I'm talking to you, my mom is shoplifting blouses"
1. "Mom says you're my real daddy"
You might be a Scrooge if...
*If your only contact with three spirits on Christmas Eve is gin, vodka and bourbon -- you just might be a Scrooge
*If you turn on the lawn sprinklers on Christmas Eve to keep carolers away -- you just might be a Scrooge
*If you buy all of your Christmas gifts at a store that also sells gas
-- you just might be a Scrooge
*If your favorite version of "Babes in Toyland" stars Michael Jackson --
you just might be a Scrooge
*If you get your Christmas Tree at a rest stop at night -- you just might be a Scrooge
*If you give bathroom fixtures as Christmas gifts -- you just might be a Scrooge
*If your prized Christmas ornament is Santa Claus shooting the moon -
you just might be a Scrooge
*If your favorite Christmas movie is Jurassic Park - you just might be a Scrooge
*If your idea of Christmas dinner is a six pack of beer and a cheese log
--you just might be a Scrooge
*If you think "Ho, Ho, Ho" is a line from a Rocky movie -- you just might be a Scrooge
*If your best Christmas tradition involves a fire and reindeer meat -
you just might be a Scrooge
*If your favorite version of "Silent Night" is sung by OJ Simpson -- you just might be a Scrooge
*If your favorite past time is putting defective bulbs in your neighbors' string of Christmas lights or defacing Christmas lawn charicatures with egg nog - you just might be a Scrooge
*And, finally - if your only holiday decoration is a rotting pumpkin -
you just might be a Scrooge
Merry Christmas,
Dani Rose
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Dad's Graduation.
Well, after 3 years of college, my dad finally graduated today. Wow. Ever since I moved up here, my dad has been in college. It's hard to believe it's finally over. He went to college to become a R.N. He has worked very hard for it and I'm proud of him. It requireed sacrifices, but he was determined enough to work or it. Actually, he started going to college after he retired from his first career. I have to admit, it's partly because of my father that I want to become a nurse. I want to be able to help others (specifically children) and I think for me, nursing is the best way to do it. I also think that Nursing will be very rewarding to me. Might be idealistic, but I think it's true.
Dani rose
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Sometimes I really hate dealing with my little siblings or children in general. tonight, I was trying to be nice to my younger siblings and gave them a few extra privleges. Well, when it came time to put them to bed, they(Lauren specifically) started acting up. You know, snapping, yelling, whining..that kind of thing. Nothing overly serious, but just enough to drive me to the brink of insanity. And then they act as if it was all my fault and I was being unfair to them. sometimes that frusterated me so much. But of course, the next day, they act like angels, and I completely forget the reason why I couldn't stand them the night before.
Dani Rose
Emily's party was alot of fun. I think that it was the most sane party that she's ever hosted. I mean there were no indoor snowball fights, little wrestling, and no incidences of pyromania. Nice. The present exchange was pretty fun. Emily wrapped mine in ductape, packaging tape, a box, and plenty of wrapping paper. So kind. she gave me a "St. John's survival kit". Go figure. Emma gave me a pair of really cute earrings. Emily had to leave us at her house for a while so she could go to the doctors. That was kinda funny, and a little weird. Greg almost didn't make it, but his parents finally loosened up on him. Lately they have been breathing down his neck and it is really getting to him. :-( Oh Em, I got Cameron for Christmas "Simpsons: Road rage". What ca I say, I thought he would like it. Speaking of road rage, did I mention earlier that while driving I almost managed to hit or run over 3 different things today while driving? I think that's a record for me. I hate driving. It's a necessary evil. I'm so glad that it is Christmas break. Finally...a couple weeks to recooperate from school. I don't think I will be shopping at Target for a while. They won't let Salvation Army ring their bell and collect money outside of their door anymore. Scrooges. I read an editorial letter in the newspaper that was rather facinating. It was talking about how [people seem to be developing "Christianophobia" The fear of all things Christian or even remotely related to Christianity. Sometimes I wonder if they have a point. Oh well...that's a rant I'll have to save for another day.
Dani Rose
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
I have a concert tonight in choir. Bel Canto rocks!!!! We are singing Silver Bells, Alananita (a spanish song), and Carol of the Bells. It will be fun. we had a snow day yesterday, and that was awesome. First one of the year. Emily called me up, and I went to hang out with her. We ran some errands with her mom and went to the bestest resteraunt, Mustards. I worship the burger-ness. According to Emily, to eat the Mad Cow buger is to love the Mad Cow burger. Yeah, I know, we're goofy. Anyway, after that we attempted to make a bûche de noëlle (a yule log cake) luck there. It was pretty funny actually...we got ice cream all over the freezer and tried to eat the rest of the cake bit it was nasty. kinda reminded me of dog crap. Oh well... Geoff and Katie came over and all of us had a snowball fight. That was fun. No, we didn't throw any yellow snowballs... Having school today was kinda a let down from the great weekend. Except that I got to see Greg. I'm always the happiest when I'm with him. He's really sweet and pretty sensitive. Actually, he was kinda upset a few minutes ago because he couldn't go to my concert (he missed my last one too both times because there were stuff with the boy scouts that he had to do..) Oh...chocolate is my hero!!!!!!!!
Dani Rose
Saturday, December 11, 2004
What a day.
I'm so tired. I spent most of the day with Emily at the mall then spending the night at her house. I was kinda her fill in date, because apparently Chad canceled...again. I had fun. we watched movies and talked. When Chad inevitably called, he hung up on her because "she wasn't listening". Well, one must expect that when she has 3 guests over. Whatever. I spent 45 minutes meticulously wrapping 3 presents..ok so I had the time and I'm a perfectionist. I miss Greg! He's at Wisconsin picking up an engine. He's going to put it in his Cutlass (his pride and joy). I think that it's pretty cool that he has something to build up and have fun with it. I got his Christmas presents. I hope he likes them. His mom approved, so I think he will. I got bit by a spider. Not fun..that thing hurts. I'm so glad that there is only a week left of school till break. I'm getting sick of school. Speaking of school, I have a test and a speaking test on Monday. Won't that be fun? I'm looking foward to Emily's party. I already got my gift for my person on the secret santa thingy. I still have to shop for my family. Augh!!! Christmas is so expensive!!! Oh well, I think it's worth it. I like giving to others. Their reaction is always fun. Today, I tasted fruit cake for the first time. Disgsting. And I've decided that people put ammaretto in cough surup, and that's how it get's it's flavor. Don't ask. My concert is on tuesday. I think we will do pretty well.
Dani Rose
Dani Rose
Thursday, December 09, 2004
No offense to either of you, But Emily and Chad, you need to talk to each other. If something is up, talk to each other about it. Well, the projects turned out ok. Thank God, or Dad would have killed me. I have another quiz on Hamlet in Honors world Literature. Fun fun. Good grief, those kids are annoying me. Every five seconds "DANIELLE!! So and so is hitting me!" Or something like that. All I know is I have a headache, and I'm not in the mood for it. Greg was so sweet today. I was super tired today during lunch, and he persuaded me to lay my head on his shoulder, or lay down, and take a nap and stuff. That may not seem like much to you, but it is to me. The little things are sometimes the best things. Like cuddling on a couch, or a snowball fight. Ok, I'm getting too sentimental. But hey, you're the one reading this. Wow, I could really use a massage today. My shoulder hurts and my neck is sore. Chest la vie. I've been talking to Ashley a lot lately. She's doing ok, but I think is kinda lonely. I miss her. Ok, Gotta go, my brother needs help on homework. Subject predicate crap. What a nightmare.
Dani Rose
This number is to remind me of something. Don't worry about it.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
My dad got irritated at me for calling my step mom "Debbie" rather than "mom". But the thing is, a while ago, Debbie and I had a discussion, and she told me she didn't mind what I called her. what ever. I stole Greg's sweatshirt today. *warmth*
Dani Rose
Sunday, December 05, 2004
♪O Cannonball, o cannonball..♪
Dani Rose
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
a quiz. Answer it!
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
5. What do you think of me?
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends?
8. Do you love me?
9. Do you have a crush on me?
10. Would you kiss me?
11. Would you hug me?
12. Physically, what stands out?
13. Emotionally, what stands out?
14. Do you wish I was cooler?
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I?
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
17. Am I loveable?
18. How long have you known me?
19. Describe me in one word.
20. What was your first impression?
21. Do you still think that way about me now?
22. What do you think my weakness is?
23. Do you think I'll get married?
24. What makes me happy?
25. What makes me sad?
26. What reminds you of me?
27. If you could give me anything what would it be?
28. How well do you know me?
29. When's the last time you saw me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I could kill someone?
32. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you?
Thursday, November 25, 2004
There is snow on the ground. I think that's pretty cool, but not everyone agrees with me. Earlier, my dad cut his foot on glass. Glass that my sister should have properly cleeaned up. My dad was not happy. Oh, by the way, my sister made the cheerleading squad. I'm glad. I think that it will give her somethig to do, and keep her out of trouble. For being Thanksgiving, it's not off to a goood start. Over half the people in my house, including me, has a cold. *cough cough*.
Dani Rose
Monday, November 22, 2004
Short week!
It's Thanksgiving weekend. Oh joy. I'm just glad that we have a short week at school. My parents are already getting out the Christmas lights. *ooh...look at the pretty lights...*. Good grief, it's not even Thanksgiving. Obviously, I changed my address back to my original one. Oh, by the way, does anyone know where Ashley's online journal is at?
Dani Rose.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Hi Y'all!!!
~~~~~My dad keeps getting on my back about my grades. I have A's and B's for goodness sakes! It's a lot better than the F I was getting in Language Arts last year, 3rd quarter! I try hard, but my dad is a perfectionist. He went too far when he threatened to ground me from all contact with Greg. Thank God he was joking. I have a strange family.
~~~~~Speaking of my father, He graduates in less than a month from college. Then he is going to start working as an RN. I'm so glad. He's put a lot of effort into graduating, while trying to support 6 kids and a new wife. I admire that very much. And hopefully all that hard work will pay off.
~~~~~Jocie brought up an interesting idea. Secret Santa. Personally, I'm all for it. I don't have very much money at my disposal, so it would be a more cost efficient idea. Besides, it sounds like fun. What do y'all think? It would be nice to do something together for Christmas. I don't know..Maybe a party or something? I could;d try to clear out my house of (most) of my family, and host a party there. It's big enough. Once again, if anyone has any thoughts, say something.
~~~~~I need to go soon. It's getting late. "night y'all!
Dani Rose
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Ok..I'm not the most original..but my answers to a quiz.
1. A borrowed shirt because I'm too lazy to go home and change
2. Jeans
3. a polka-dotted sock and a piggy sock
1. 6 porclein doll...most from my mother Laura
2. Several of Greg's notes
3. my sister's cup of moldy orange juice...grr
1. find my *true love*..and actually stay with the guy
2. meet some of my mom's real family...that she and I have never met
3. learn how to dance
1. Can be unpredictable
2. listens to others
3. I have this wierd squeak
1. I'm a practised procrastinator
2. incredibly impatient
3. I'm nosy and bossy
1. England
2. Ireland
3. Wales
1. My eyes...window to the soul
2. My my mole on the side of my face
3. My shortness
1. My shortness
2. my big toe
3. how difficult it is to find jeans meant for short people
1. I hate being referred to as the innocent one who needs to be protected
2. I never believed in Santa
3. I White chocolate is the devil in my humble opinion.
1. What is..*fill in the blank*..?
2. Oy!
3. Language!
1. Wimbledon, England (my mom's birthplace)
2. St. John, USVI
3. IrelandTHREE NAMES THAT I GO BY: (other than normal name)
1. Dani
2. Squeaky toy
3. Lelly
1. mysticalrose1888
2. FireNRain
3. ...didn't have any others
1. Polar express theme song
2. Photograph ~Def Leppard
3. This year's first concert recording
Friday, November 12, 2004
I worship the burger-ness
Ok, so that was a wierd title. Oh well. I spent most of yesterday with emily. That was awesome. We went downtown so she could beg for money from businesses for Washington DC. I was really craving a burger (nice, juicy, messy, and full of unwanted fats & grease..). So we went to Mustards. I highly recommend the place. Not only do they make the best Mad Cow burgers, they are creative. (while you are waiting for your food, they call names such as Donald trump, rather than numbers). Emily and I are convinced the group needs to go there. After that we went to the mall, and entertained ourselves by testing perfumes/colognes. We went into bath and body works 3 times just to wash our hands with the tester salt scrub. ...I know...we have no lives...Chad was late, but no biggie. we saw Surviving Christmas. Surprisingly enough..I liked it! all the while...Greg kept calling Emily's house looking for me. I felt bad that I couldn't talk to him, but I was pretty much nowhere near a phone. :-( He got me a rose yesterday (again), because I wan't in the best of moods. That was really sweet:-) Anyways, I'm still at Emily's house and I'll probably stay over again. Katie asked me why. My answer? Because I can. Oh, by the way, y'all need to learn how to update your blogs regularly. I know that's a hard concept, but with enough might figure it out. ...Just kidding. I felt the need to be sarcastic. At the moment, Emily and I are taking a break from cleaning...she's tyring to earn money. So industrious. I'll talk later.
When all else fails, manipulate the data.
Dani Rose
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Dreawo: mooo (Zak)
mysticalrose1888: tweet(me)
Dreawo: rippet
Dreawo: :-P
mysticalrose1888: meow
Dreawo: woof
mysticalrose1888: fetch
Fufilling conversation, ain't it? Oh, Greg got me a rose today. How random and sweet. Life is like a box of chocolate: They are all melted by the time I get to it. You needed to know that. Unfortunatly, I have no profound statements to make, so I'm going to stop writing. ...sometime...Grrr, My Honor's world literature teacher decided that we need a spelling test. I thought we were beyond that, but apparently not. But then again, that's very typical of Mrs. Kroupa.
Here's a little quiz I took. What can I say, I was curious.
Your Beauty lies
in Contradiction. Controversial, unpredictable, and
never what anyone expects.
You appearance and your personality are two
opposite things. Even your
appearance sends different signals to different
people. To some you may look
innocent and sweet, to others you look mysterious
and intimidating at the same
time. No one ever knows what to expect with you.
You are a little bit of
everything all mixed together. You can be watching
the football game with the
guys one minute and the next out shopping at the
mall. You seem to be almost a
different person every time you meet someone, but
at the same time you know
exactly who you are and there is always that one
thing that makes you you. You
enjoy keeping people guessing and people love how
completely unpredictable you
Some Things
That Represent You:
Fire, Water Animal: Chameleon Color:
Dark Tones, Light
Tones Song: Everything by Alanis Morriesette
Opal Mythological Creature: Gryphon,
Half-breeds Sign:
Gemini Planet: Mars Hair Color: Red
Eye Color:
"Appearances can be deceiving."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
brought to you by Quizilla
Ok, that's it for now.
Dani Rose
Monday, November 08, 2004
I cross my eyes at you....
Dani Rose
Friday, November 05, 2004
I'm finally back from being grounded. Happiness. I had a pretty good week overall, but there were ups and downs. The downs being Greg's aunt has terminal cancer, I got grounded, and Emily had a crappy week. I got frustereated at her a couple times, but it's bound to happen. She's been unhappy, and I wasn't in the best of moods. :-( But, i went trick-or-treating for the second time in my life, and that was kinda fun. The guy I wanted to get elected for president did (but that's not really a big deal..I'm mainly glad the election crap is over...) I 'm tired of the bickering andstuff that comes with an election. Yay! next week is a short week. Maybe Emmy and I can get togethernext weekend. I haven't done that in a while. I need to lay off the cany. my stomache doesn't feel very well. Oh well.
Dani rose
~*~ Everyone needs a guinea pig in their life~*~
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
True to my word...
True to my word, I did resolve things last night and calmed down. So things are all good again. Emily and Chad are very cute together, and it's fun hearing Emily talk about Chad (she's smitten in my humble opinion) ...and now I'm going to avoid the glare/smack I'm sure to get when Emily sees me again. Oh, my concert last night went relativley well:-) Bel Canto didn't massacre their songs, and we had fun. So it was a success. I'm really bored right now. School has been going relativly well..or at least as good as can be expected. I haven't really seen much of Brandon lately. It's just the way things go. Hmm..maybe I'll call him. Things have changed alot. But , I think for the better. I turned in my application for Washington DC. I'm so excited. It's going to be an awesome experience, and I've wanted to do that for a long time!!! Tomorrow, Greg and I will have been going out for 8 months. *~*happiness*~* BTW, Greg's Eagle ceremony is November the 6th, if any of y'all can go. G2G
Dani Rose
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
*calming down*
Ok, so I got irritated today. Something is going on with a very close friend, and no one will tell me what. I get the impression that I'm not trusted, but I could be wrong. I also got the impression that it was for my own good or something. Screw that. That's basically what I told Greg and Brandon. *sigh* I just want to know what's going on, and if I could help. But it's mainly my pride that is ruffled right now. So it's all good. I'm sure I will be more civilized tomorrow.
Dani Rose
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Washington DC
I'm excited. I get to go to Washington DC this spring. that will be a facinating experience.
Emily will be going too. Party!! Just kidding. The election is coming up soon. Things are geting really viscious. I just want to stay out of the line of fire. Personally, I think Kerry will win. grr.
Dani Rose
Saturday, October 09, 2004
I'm really happy. I got to spent most of my day with Greg. He woke me up at 9:00 and we went to his church to help at the bazaar. That was certainly interesting. There were alot of old people buying guady jewelry, and telling funny stories. Greg's mom got me an awesome pair of troll earings. heehee. Then Greg came over and we played a video game. I creamed him, but I don't think either of us cared. I got ungrounded from the phone. Yay.
Dani Rose
Friday, October 08, 2004
Better week.
Ok, so maybe I should elaborate. I passed several tests, didn't have much homework, and crap...
But of course, I did manage to get grounded for a day, and my parents canceled something I was looking foward to. Grrr. Oh well. I'm going to watch the debate tonight.
Dani Rose
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
These last two days have been quite the low since Homecoming. Yesterday, I was tired as heck, had a headache, and was just plain grouchy. It all started when my sister couldn't figure out how to work the alarm and it went off every 20 seconds. It went downhill from there. Today was better, but not much better. My siblings are being brats and tryiong to start arguments everytime I turn around. Emily is haveing a crappy day too :-( I hope things start looking up for you tomorrow. Noelle has a new blog:
Take a peek at it sometime.
Dani Rose
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Homecoming 2004
The Titans won 54-14 against the Huron River Rats. Go Titans!!!! It was a really wet and cold miserable night, but I don' t think very many people cared. Emmy, Derek, Geoff, Jocie, Noelle, Emma, and Greg were all there. It certainly was an interesting evening. There was a little controversy over Chad, but that's solved now. It was pretty fun teasing Derek. He's good for that :-) j/k. Oh, the choir performance during the pep rally was awesome. But I think the rest of the pep rally sucked. But they always do, don't they?
The preparation for the Homecoming dance was long and extensive. At 1 yesterday afternoon, I met Emmy at the hair salon to get our hair put up. I swear, they used at tleast half a bottle of hairspray and 5o bobby pins just to get my hair to stay! But the results were great. Emily and I looked great (in my humble opinion of course...). After that, we headed to McDonalds and pigged out. What can I say? I was hungry! Anyway, I headed to Emily's house, then we started getting preparations under way. Jocie, Stephanie, Noelle all showed up, so we had fun getting their hair done and makeup done. Then the guys came. Greg brought me a really pretty rose cosage (roses are my favorits flowers), and Gregs mom knit me the most awesome shawl! *happiness* Chad was late (of course), but he brought a pretty cosage for Emmy. Derek came, and that made things pretty interesting. after all the guys showed up, we took pictures...lots and LOTS of pictures...
The actual dance was a wonderful experience. I danced with Greg alot, and Emily dance to every song with Chad. and they are officially going out now. FINALLY!!! Anyways, the music was loud (almost too long), the selection wasn't half bad, and of course, the decorations were cheesy. It was really funny watching Emily and Chad make Laura jealous. Don't ask how. It was great spending time with The Group, but I loved being with Greg. Oh. Greg and I made a bet: he said I wouldn't last 30 minutes wearing my high heels. I won..I wore them for 35 minutes. Ha! I swear it was some vindictive man that invented high heels!! He must have been irritated at the female species or something. Anyway. Unlike last homecoming, I had absolutely no problem dancing with Greg..hehe. alot has changed in the past year, huh? Noelle liked the songs, and a "rap" dosie-do. Jocie had a lot of fun and enjoyed being with the group. Katie like most seeing Geoff dance. Emily like most dancing with Chad. Personally, I liked being with Greg, and the group in a circle dancing. Everyone danced, including Greg, Derek, and Geoff. I was a little sad to see the dance end. They played a really retarded last song: The Reason. Grrr...
After the dance, Emily, Geoff and I made an improptu stop at Meijer for ice cream. It was funny walking through Meijer in formals. Then the girls hung out and talked. Emily got the digital pictures on to the computer and thay are awesome. This morning, Emmy and I took pistures of every one just as they were waking. right now, Noelle and Jocie are trying to give high fives and keep missing. Now they are telling "your mamma" jokes.
I didn't want Homecoming to end: Emmy and I have been looking foward and planning for about 3 -4 months. well, next big thing..Prom?
Dani Rose
Sunday, September 26, 2004
I'm so happy!!!
As you can tell from the title, I'm pretty happy. Homecoming is in a week (Yay!). I'm so excited. Emily has it planned that most of the group will get together before and all go together. I'm going to pick up my dress from the dry cleaner's tomorrow. I can't wait to see how it looks. The game is going to be alot of fun too. BTW, only 33 more weeks of school.
Dani Rose
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Bella Voce
I'm a bit sad at the moment. Yesterday I auditioned for Bella Voce (an all-girls singing group that is really good at what they do, and there are only 16-18 of them). I did pretty well on my ausition, but not well enough apparently, because I didn't make it in. I originally auditioned just to prove to myself that I could get up there..again.. but then I raised my hopes up. But, on the bright side, I didn't chicken out, and I did it, even though I half expected not to make it. Besides, there wer only 2 spots open. Ah well, that is life. Congratulations to Emily for her Young Democrats Club that she is co-leading with someone else :-). I will try to go to at least one of the meetings. This Friday, Emily, Brandon, Greg, Emma, and I'm sure there's someone else that I can't remember, and me are going to the football game. I'm excited. Oh, Brandon and I are actually beginning to have civilized conversations again. I'm glad, because I really would like to be friends with him. I would add more, but my sister has homework that she needs to finish, so I'll be nice.
Dani Rose
Saturday, September 11, 2004's weekend.
The first week of school sucked. I like my teachers and classes, but I don't have classes with anyone, I blew my first chemistry quiz, and I hate the fall writing sample. this had been an over all crappy week. I'm so glad it's weekend.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Well school starts today. This ought to be interesting. I'm up at the ungodly hour trying to finish a summer assignment I probably should have done months ago. Oh well, I'm finished. More later, I've got to get back to sleep.
Dani rose
My first day of school wasn't all that bad. Yay. But then again, the teachers don't like to scare the students on the first day. Curtesy, I guess. Anyway, I don't have any classes with anyone out of the group or Greg, and the only person that I know that I have lunch with is Zak. *sigh* this will be a challenging year academically, but I think I'll do ok. I hope so. emily is helping research things that I need in my high school curriculem for MSU. That is THE college I want to go to. we will see, won't we.
Dani Rose
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
I'm babysitting my twin cousins right now. They had me playing dolls with them a few minutes ago. What's wrong with me?!? Wait, don't answer that..I might not like the answer. Anyway, I'm really tired. Less than a week and school starts. How depressing. I'm looking foward to seeing my friends everyday and all that, but I like my freedom!
Dani rose
Saturday, August 28, 2004
{Name?} Danielle Rose
{Nicknames?} Dani, Yellie, Lellie, Lellie-belly, Nelly, Danielly, (kinda pitiful, ain't it), Squeaky toy
{Screen name?} mysticalrose1888
{Birthday?} May 18, 1988
{Age?} Take a wacky wild guess
{Weight?}...ummm I think 125 lbs
{Astrological sign?} Taurus...but I really don't pay attention to that crap.
{Chinese zodiac sign?} I don't know. You pick
{Location?} at my computer
{Marital status?} I have a boyfriend. <3
{Eye color?} Blue/green- gray
{Height?} 5'2...I think that makes me the shortest person out of the group
{shoe size?} Why do you care? 61/2 - 7
{Parents still together?} No. Both remarried, and my mom is on to her third marriage. Ha!
{Siblings?} Yep. To make it simple, 6 siblings, and 3 soon to be step. Go figure.
{Neices/Nephews?} No.
{Kids of your own?} No! What are you insinuating?! hehe
{Grandkids?} Slow are we? Read above.
{Pets?} A guinea pig named Piglet
{Education?} I'm a junior at my high school. I plan on going to college.
{Rent, lease, own your home?} Live with my dad and stepmom
{Credit cards?} Once again, why do you care? No.
{What do you drive?} My parents crazy. I don't have a lisence.
{Color} Blue, purple, green.
{Number} umm..9 or 13
{Animal} Cats, ducks, and guinea pigs
{Vehicle} What ever works.
{Flower} Rose and lilacs.
{Scent} Read above.
{Shape} Umm... a circle.
{Drinks} Coffee and pop. Kool-aid works. As long as it's sweet.
{Soda} Mountain Dew
{Book} Anything by Victoria Holt, Dee Henderson, Gayle Roper. There's so many..Books are my life...
{Band} Umm.... Point of Grace
{Song} Umm...too many to write down...
{Food} Ice cream, shrimp, cheesecake, brownies, chocolate
Do you...
{Color your hair?} Nope. No desire to.
{Twirl your hair?} As in curl it? No
{Have tattoos?} No...even if I did want one, my dad would kill me.
{Peircings?} My ear lobe. Anywhere else, my dad would yank it out.
{Cheat on tests/homework?} I used to cheat every once in a while on hw.
{Like roller coasters?} I have been on one, and I hate them with a burning passion.
{Wish you could live somewhere else?} No. I love this town.
{Want more piercings?} No, that wouild be like having a death wish.
{Like cleaning?} I hate cleaning my own house.
{Write in cursive or print?} Depends on the mood.
{ Carry a donar card?} I have to get my blood tested for a disease that runs thru my family 1st
{Swear alot?} Maybe two swear words..a year.
{Own a web cam?} Nope.
{Know how to drive?} Yea..stay off the sidewalks when I get my lisence
{Diet?} The Seefood diet. I see food and eat it.
{Own a cell phone?} No..something tells me I won't for a while: I lost my dad's already..
{Ever get off the computer?} Yeah...
{Habla Espanol?} What's that?
Have you ever...
{Gotten a speeding ticket?} No, thank God.
{DUI?} Read above
{Been in a wreck?} Only when my mom was pregnant w/me. She was just learning to drive (she was 22..don't ask)
{Been arrested?} Nope
{Been in a fist fight?} No. Slapping fight with my sister? Yes.
{Kicked someone in the nuts?} No, although I've been tempted to.
{Stolen anything?} No
{Held a gun?} Yes {Drank?} no
{Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?} I'd have to have drank No.
{Considered a life of crime?} No, unless you count jokingly considering causing my sister to *mysteriously* disappearing.
{Considered being a hooker?} O.o NO!!! Why, are you looking for one?
{Cried over a girl?} No
{Cried over a boy?} Yes, once. I'll never let that happen again.
{Lied to someone?} I'd be lying if I said no.
{Been in love?} Am right now. <3 color="#cc33cc">{Fallen for your best friend?} No. Wouldn't want to do that either.
{Made out with JUST a friend?} No way!
{Been rejected?} I don't think so.
{Used someone?} No, I couldn't do that.
{Been used?} Manipulated, but other than that, no.
{Been kissed?} :-) Yes
{Current mood} Curious.
{Current music} Def Leppard (My boyfriend gae it to me).
{Current taste} Sweet stuff I guess..
{Current hair} Bed head..I can't find the brush
{Current annoyance} My sister turning off my current music.
{Current smell} Wow these questions are getting odd..
{Current thing I ought to be doing} Folding laundry
{Current windows open} My bedroom window...Oh, you mean on the computer! The internet.
{Current desktop picture} I don't know. Whatever the computer automatically puts on
{Current book} A Day in the life of Ivan summer novel that I putting off.
{Current CD in stereo} Def Leppard.
{Current crush} My boyfriend, Greg. *Sigh*
{Current faveorite celeb} Don't have one.
{Current hate} A certain lack of chocolate.
{Current job} Being lazy.
The last time..
{Last book you read} The Indespensible Calvin and Hobbes. :-)
{Last movie you saw} Bring It On
{Last thing you had to drink} Milk
{Last thing you ate} Oreos
{Last person you talked to on the phone} Greg :-D
Do you..
{Do drugs?} No
{Have a dream that keeps reoccuring?} Once upon a time.
{Play an instrument?} I sing.
{Beleive there is life on other planets?} No, not really.
{Remember your first love?} Yeah:-)
{Still love him/her?} That's who I'm with.
{Read the newspaper?} Every once in a while..
{Have any gay/lesbian friends?} Not very close friends, but yes.
{Believe in miracles?} Yes, wholeheartedly.
{Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?} Yes.
{Consider yourself tolerant of others?} yeah..for the most part..I'm not tolerant of liars.
{Consider love a mistake?} No
{Have a favorite candy?} Snickers candy bar
{Do well in school?} Depends on if I turn in my homework.
{Go to or plan on going to college?} I plan on going to college.
{Wear hats?} Rarely
{Hate yourself?} That would be rather pointless, wouldn't it? No, I don't.
{Have an obsession?} Chocolate. Whoever discovered it is my hero.
{Have a secret crush?} Notice how that comes right after haveing an obsession. No, I don't.
{Do they know yet?} Read above...
{Collect anything?} No
{Have a best friend?} A couple..
{Close friends?} Several.
{Like your handwriting?} Strange question..Umm..I really don't care.
{Care about looks?} Sometimes
Love life
{First crush} is now a good friend of mine..Derek.
{First kiss} My first boyfriend, Alex.
{Single or attached} Attached.
{Ever been in love} How many times do we have to go through this. Yes.
{Do you believe in love at first sight?} No, that crap is for stuff like Romeo and Juliet.
Wow, this quiz was long. I think I've wasted enough of your time.
Dani Rose
Monday, August 23, 2004
I'm Home!!!!!
I'm home. Yay. In the past month I've only been home for a week. Emily's back, and I slept over at her house last night. I had so much fun. I'm glad Emmy's back. I missed you Emmy!!!! Hehe. Anyway, hopefully my life will return to some semblance of normalcy. Probably too much to hope for. Oh well, that's life. Wow, this font color is hard to read!
Dani Rose
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Hey, Laura is coming up today to visit. This ought to be interesting. Even with all the crap that has happened, I still want to see her. She's my mother, and I guess I'll always be like this. There's a lot of history behind me and her, and much of it is not the good kind. But I've never really cared. I've always forgiven her, always will. Sometimes I think I forgive to easily, but who knows, who cares? I don't. Oh, and she's bringing her latest conquest..I mean boyfriend =>, Robert. Luckily, he's not as bad as her last husband, the redneck idiot. *sigh* I'm tired. I think my sister Gabrielle is going to have bruises when she wakes up from me elbowing her. We had to share a bed, and she kept making these weird noises in the middle of the night, so I elbowed her. Oops:-) Dani Rose |
Friday, August 20, 2004
They are back. It's been a rather interesting evening. I don't think I'll ever get completely used to a full-blown British accent. My Nanny has a friend and her grandson from England visiting, and they definately have an accent. :-) Oh, and surprisingly enough, I got paid for house sitting. THat's a nice bonus. SHOPPING SPREE!!!!!! j/k
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by
?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
brought to you byDani Rose
Yay! Last day of house sitting:-)
~~~Today should be my last day of house sitting. Now, don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed it. It's just it's kinda lonely. Nanny has two cats, Beatrice (Bea) and Buffy the Mouse Slayer (for simplicities sake, we just call her Buffy). Anyway, Buffy loves to play fetch. It's so wierd. She has this huge collection of toy mice, and gets so excited if I bring one out of the drawer. She expects me to throw it, then she'll run and return it to me, expecting me to throw it again. This can go on and on. i watched 4 hours of Law and Order. I couldn't help it, I wanted to find out how they found the killer and convicted him/her. ~~~Oh, Geoff, cool blog. Emily should be back from camp in a few days. Yay:-) It'lI be nice to be able to get back to life as usual. Does anyone know what day school starts? Ashley says Hi Y'all!!!!! Dani Rose |
Monday, August 16, 2004
TV Dinners
You're Element is Water. You are soft and serene at most times but like Wind, you're scary when you're mad. You proabaly have a talent is singing and even your speaking voice is lovely. You have an innocent type of beauty that makes you look younger than you are and you like close relationships with people. What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES) brought to you by |
TV dinners equate least to those who can't be bothered to cook "real" meals. Yeah, I'm a little bored and very happy:-)
Dani Rose
Friday, August 13, 2004
Hurricane Charley
Is anyone else besides me keeping track of Hurricane Charley? I don't know, I guess I just miss being right there in the middle of the storm, as weird as that may sound. Anyway, at the moment it is heading through central Florida(so, it won't hit Ashley's area), with sustained winds of 89 mph, with unofficial reports of wind gusts up to 120 mph. It's supposed to make another landfall, on the Carolinas. Whatever. BTW, I'm very bored, as if you haven't come to that conclusion. That's what I get for typing on here and watching the Weather channel. heehee Dani Rose |
Life is alot better now.
~~~I have an update for you. Dad decided that he is not going to force Alex to move to Laura's. That's a good thing because she really didn't want to. Things might actually have reached a turning point. Alex's attitude is getting better, thus there are less fights around the house, and Mom & Dad have made several changes . Some as simple as where Alex sits at the dinner table (surprisingly that makes a very big difference). And although my parents have alot of right to ground her from the world, they aren't. They are actually going to pay for horseback riding lessons (something she has always wanted), as an incentive for her to start to change her life style. Thank God. You wouldn't believe the tension that has been around this house the past 3-4 weeks. I really hope things will start to get better. I really do.
~~~My Dad got me up at an ungodly hour this morning: he got me up at 6:30. He wants to get tickets to see Bush (?) and we were supposed to leave at 7. At &:40, I'm typing here. Anything wrong with this picture?
Dani Rose
Wednesday, August 11, 2004 royally sucks...
As the title says, life really sucks right now. My sister and parents are arguing more often than usual. Alex keeps going behind the parents back and doing things, even simple things, then lying to theirface about it. Not only that, she's made some choices that can never be reversed, as much as our parents have warned her about it. Needless to say my parents are upset and at their wits end. Well, dad told Alex to call Laura, and tell her the whole truth of what happened. Then alex is to ask Laura if she can move in with her. The subject of alex moving to Laura's has come up before, but normally with alex saying she wanted to, and dad saying it would be a cold day in *you get the point* before he would let her. I honestly don't know what to do or think. Three things came to mind A: Will Laura let her? B: I'm going to miss her like crazy if she does c: Maybe it's for the best. She has a nasty attitude to everyone in the house, has a bad influence over the little kids, and is causing everyone so much pain and heartache. I used to be the one she trusted, but ever since a certain thing happened, she doesn't trust me any farther than she could throw me. I'm scared and sad for her, but at the same time, i'm watching my parents and seeing the effect she's having on them. *Sigh* As soon as it reaches a decent hour, I think I'll call Greg.
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Dani Rose
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Well...I'm feeling a bit better than yesterday. Greg woke me up at 9, then I went back to sleep till 1. apparently being sick has it's good points. If I get better by tonight, I can go over to Greg's house. I really like his family. They're very friendly and slightly quirky. ANyway, Greg gets out of camp in a week. YAY!!!! That makes me VERY happy => :-) My sisters are chasing down the ice cream truck as I speak. hehe. I remember doing that when I was younger. I'd go to the other end of the neighborhood if it meant I could get that ice cream. (and that neighborhood is huge). And of course, that reminds me of the one time on my first day of school I had to walk home. I was in 5th grade and had just moved there. anyway, my cousin was supposed to meet us at the school then walk us home, but she slept in till 2 and forgot to meet us. Well my sisters and I walked home anyways and ended up getting lost. Ah, the memories. Emily leaves tomorrow for camp. = < I hope she has lots of fun. But I'm going to miss her lots. Ashley leaves in a week. Wah!!!!! I'm going to miss her soo much. = < :-( One of my bestest friends is leaving me! *sigh* C'est le vie.
Dani Rose
Friday, July 23, 2004
This has been a really crappy week. I realise I'm whining, but you're the one reading this. Anyway, I was planning on staying at Emily's today till 3 or 4 so that I could help her clean and pack, but I got sick. I had to go home, and have felt miserable ever since. On top of every thing else this week. Oh well. I had to say goodbye to Ashley. Not fun. I hate saying goodbye to some one.
Dani Rose
Emily's house
Dani Rose
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Well, I guess I'm not going down to my mother's house. And if I have a choice, I may never go down there. I really don't want to see her or talk to her at the moment. Basically some crap happened, I did what I thought was right. But she was "disappointed in me" for not going to her first instead of my father (excuse me, mother haven't exactly shown that you've cared before), according to her all that I am is a gossip, and I "fucked up Alex's life". (her words not mine). Apparently she thinks loyalty to my sister's trust comes above her well being. Never mind that Alex telling me what she did was a cry for help :ie..she was way in over her head. (and no, I didn't realise that, every other adult who actually knows about this said that). She said some other crap and it really hurt. It was like the last straw. I'm tired of her continuously saying hurtful things (most of the time behind my back), never taking the innitiative to contact me or my sisters, putting her boyfriend/husband's kid over us. Needless to say, I'm just a little ticked and hurt. I wish Greg were here. He's a great person to talk to. But alas, he's still at camp. ah, well that is life.
Dani Rose
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
I'm bored. I mean really bored. To the point of watching sappy country music videos. I went to see the Notebook with Emily yesterday. It was really good. We were kinda wondering how much Geoff, Greg, and Chad would make fun of us for crying at the end of it. The Notebool was a very sweet movie. tomorrow Emily and I are going to see Greg and Chad at camp. yay. Oh, I think Ashley moves on the 27th or 30th. I'm not sure. Emily and I are discussing how scary it is that we want to bake tomorrow..for Greg and Chad. Hahahaha
Dani Rose
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
I'm Back
I got back from the neighbors, then Emily's this morning. Emily and I stayed the night at her next door neighbor's house. It was interesting, even though I felt kinda out of my element. There were several people that were also there, but I had never met them before. so they talked all night, about people we didn't know and stuff. I felt kinda like a 7th(?) wheel. They talked alot! We only got 3 hours of sleep and she was complaining to her mom about having to go to summer school this morning. Dad let me sleep till almost 11 (which is highly unusual). Later I get to go to see an aunt from England. Aunt Liz. She's a very interesting character judging by the two times I've seen her. She's got an english accent (duh!), has really strong perfume that I can still smell hours after leaving, and she's kinda funny. The first time she saw me, she did the typical aunt-pinching-the-cheeks-thing.
Dani Rose
Monday, July 05, 2004
Interesting Quotes
No one stays in love by chance, it is by WORK.
And no one falls out of love by chance, it is by CHOICE.
Ferris: I do have a test today. that wasn't bull. It's on European socialism. I mean, really, what's the point? I'm not European. I don't plan on being European. So who gives a crap if they're socialists They could be fasict anarcists. It still doesn't change the fact that i don't own a car.
-Ferris Bueller's Day Off
\"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.\"
~ Professor Keating (Robin Williams) in Dead Poet's Society
\"All men die, not every man really lives.\" - William Wallace, Braveheart
Why is it when you call a \" Psychic\" hotline they ask for your name?
Why do people with closed minds always open their mouths?
If George Washington never told a lie, how did he get very far in politics?
If Con is the opposite of Pro--Is Congress the opposite of Progress??
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it
Sunday, July 04, 2004
House Sitting
I'm house sitting for several days. Yay!! It's alot of fun. I went to the mall last night with Greg. It was very nice being able to spend a couple hours with him. => I don't feel like writing much.
Dani rose
Saturday, June 26, 2004
I just re-pierced my ears using a safety pin. Yes, I was really bored. Anyway, Emily is on her way home. She got hurt earlier in the week while at SCA. :-( So she's gotta come back home. That sucks, cuz she was really looking foward to spending the month there. I've been hearing about SCA for the past year, actually. I asked Miss Ann if I could go with her to pick Emily up, but she said "no, Emily won't be seeing anyone for awhile. oO *sigh* I'm sorry Emily.
Dani Rose
Friday, June 25, 2004
Sweet and Tangy Lemonade
Dani Rose
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
I'm really happy right now. I got my report card back, and I got all A's and B's with a final GPA of 3.5. I'm really happy, and this means that I am not grounded for the summer. Yay!!!
Dani Rose
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Nanny's House
Yep, that's where I'm at right now: Nanny's house. Nanny is my grandmother, and every once in a while, I stay hee for a weekend. Lot's of fun. Ash;ey was here yesterday. We went on a bike ride, and got a McFlurry. Yumm.. And we also talked about her moving and guys and stuff. I'm really going to miss her. The "3 Musketeers" won't be "3" anymore, it'll just be Emmy and I. Emmy and I have a lot of fun together, and we probably will even after Ashley is gone, but it won't be the same. *sigh*
Dani Rose
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Still tired...
We all saw Emily off to the plane, and she's gone now. What a morning. I've given up on the idea of sleep. Now I know how an airport works (i've never been to an airport before). I'm going to miss Emmy. Happy Birthday Jocey!!!!! She is Sweet Sixteen now. Hehe
Dani Rose
*Yawn*....and why did I agree to get up this early...?
-I'm sorry, but it four in the morning on summer vacation, and I'm wide awake. What's wrong with this picture?
-Actually, Emily is leaving for SCA today, and because she has an early flight, I decided to get up with her. Katie and Ashley will get up...soon. Emily and I got less than 4 hours of sleep because we were just talking so much. Well...I'm not going to be able to talk to my best friend for a month, so it's worth it. It'll probably be like this when Emily is here for that one week in July(?), because it will be the last time Emmy and Ashley will see each other. Why do people have to move? Really immature view for me considering that moving was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was NOT liked at ALL down where I used to live, but I was so used to it, I stopped noticing it. Yeah...anyway, if I hadn't moved up here, I wouldn't have met "The Group". Such a creative name for our group of friends, ain't it? Well down in the lion's den (i.e. waking up Katie and Ashely at 4:30am)
Dani rose
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
My dad has given me an assignment. i must read Beowulf by tomorrow so that I may be able to discuss it with him which will in turn help him write a paper on it. Hmm facinating..English Literature. A class that I would love to take, but the only reason why my father is taking it is because he must have 6 credits per grading period in order to qualify for the GI bill (i.e.,so that he will get paid for going to college). Fun=> hehe. Jocelyn's 16th birthday is in one day. Happy Birthday Jocelyn!!!!!! Emily is leaving on Thursay =< She'll be gone for a month. Well, I'll be able to spend tomorrow with her, so it's all good. Zach, if you are reading this, I need to talk to you via AIM. But i can't tonight, I'm babysitting. Joy. hmm..apparently Beowulf was written in the middle ages about germans. Interesting. And of course I can't concentrate on this thing at all. Figures. It'll take me a while to get into this, but I will. Emily, you really need to update your blog.
Dani Rose
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Emmy is here!!!!!
-Emily is here. Her mom and Emily came over for dinner. That's interesting. We're considering an improptu sleepover. Ahh the big disicions in life. Some important stuff happened on Friday, but it's Emmy's thing, so I'm not going to get into the details. But it's so cute!!!!Our little girl is growing up!!!!!hehe *avoiding her hitting me* *sigh* I got to talk to Greg today:-)We've been really busy so we haven't been able to talk as much as I would have liked. I better go.
-Dani Rose
Saturday, June 12, 2004
-Jocey's Birthday is in four days. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! hehe.
Wonderful..just wonderful! *in a sarcastic voice*
-Guess what! My purse was taken. I know I was stupid for leaving it somewhere for a semi-long perod time, but sheesh! There was nothing of value to anyone but me, so why did they have to take it?! They also took my bag of clothes which happened to have my only bathing suit. There is a possibility that a teacher took it and it's still at the school, but I doubt it. Ok, enough whining..on to the fun stuff..
-Last night was soo much fun. Emily had an end of school party. Greg, Emily(duh!), Ashley, Jocie, Noelle, Geoff, Chad, and Brandon (surprisingly) were all there. We watched a whole bunch of movies, took several walks, joked, gave Brandon a facial, and in the morning played truth or dare. Some interesting stuff happened, but I'm not going into detail. Greg had to leave kida early and I missed him. but Jocey didn't get to see her bf at whatever. Emily is going to SCA in several days :-( I hope she has fun. well I had better go.
Dani Rose
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Dani Rose
I got up at 3:45am in order to get this project done. Voila! It is finished. Yay!!! Right now it is 5:15am, so I'm a bit tired. I think I will go to bed.hehe
Kiss my Furby!!!
Dani Rose
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Cramming (or at least I should be)
As you can tell from the title, I'm supposed to be cramming. Remember the final project I wrote about? I am just now starting on it. It is due tomorrow. This is a typical habit of mine. 1 more class, 2 more days as a sophomore.
Dani Rose
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Only a few more days..I'm bored...
Only two more classes for me, and 3 more days as a Sophomore of West Senior High. Just about two years till I graduate. Wow, they weren't kidding when they said time flies. Oh, Brandon accepted my apology today. I'm bored. Why is it that when ever they show a commercial for outdoor activities, they always play the banjo or some other redneck sounding music? maybe I'll tamper with the settings.
Dani Rose
Monday, June 07, 2004
Jocie's party..among things
Yesterday, I metioned Alex's makeover. Let me clarify, that was a DARE!!!! I've heard from someone that it's getting around to other people who weren't there. If anyone who is reading this and has said something to those who have no business knowing, DIE!!!
hehe. Oh, I think Brandon's mad at me for talking about him behind his back, and the girl I was talking to told him. I am sorry. But allow me to clarify that A: She asked B:he maybe mad cuz I didn't say anything to his face, but everytime I tried, he either blew it off or yelled at me and C: I didn't say anything I couldn't have told to his face (given the chance). So yeah, I'm sorry.
Dani Rose
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Utmost boredom
I'm fooling around with my radio right's not cooerating. Errr..Oh well. Last week of school starting tomorrow. Yay!!! So much has happened, but as Emily would say, I'm not going to get into the gory details. Jocey's b-day party was yesterday. It was alot of fun. THere was a water balloon fight(that is until everyone made a mess and Jocey got tired of it). Then of course there was "truth or dare". I applaud Alex (turtle). He was a very brave soul in allowing the girls to give him a makeover. Hehe. and we got pictures. I'm having fun changing the fonts and stuff.
Kiss my Furby!!!
Dani Rose
Friday, June 04, 2004
I'm typing this while at school, when I'm supposed to be doing my final exam project. Gah! What in the world was Mr. Tiesworth thinking when he decided that we should do a project instead of a traditional exam?!? Probably that most people do better on projects than exams. Not the case with me. I suck at projects (procrastination...keeping up with yesterday as Brandon would say), but excel at standardized tests and such. Whatever. I'm so excited about the end of the school year. I have less than a week. I'm lucky, I'm exempt from my gym exam(I hate gym as a rule), and it happens to be on the last day of school. I don't have to go to school, but I am anyways. I'll just hang out with Chad and Laura. Yay!!! Tiesworth still isn't here...ha tends to be later than the students. anyway...Greg and I have been going out for 3 months and counting. It is absolutly wonderful:-)He is the only one who has the patience to deal with my fluctating moods with ease (I swear, he has the patience of a saint!). People say that I have him "whipped", which kinda confuses me. In other words, they think that if I said "jump", he's say "how high". But in reality, if I said "jump", he's more likely to put a lon-suffering look on his face and roll his eyes.(yeah, I'm purposely taking things literally:->)He's really sweet:-D Wednesday afternoon, he randomly gave me a pretty flower...I'm definatly going to save it.*sigh*. Ashley is moving in about two months. I'm really going to miss her. We went from kinda friends to best friends in about a year, and we've went through quite a bit together. She is the type that I quite easily spen 6 hours at the mall and never be bored(I can't normally stay there any longer than 2 hours). If I had a problem, I could talk to her about it without getting yelled at, and at the same time, she doesn't have much of a problem talking to me. Emily, Ashley and I: The 3 musketeers. ;-)
Dani Rose
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
It's My Birthday!!!!
Today is my sixteenth birhtday. Yay! Emily and Greg each brought me a batch of brownies. How sweet :-) Emmy also got me a gift and a card. THank you Emmy!!My internet hasn't been working correctly, so I haven't been able to post. Anyway, Emily's birthday was last week, so Happy Birthday Emmy, (even if that is a little late). I really appreciate it. I better go, my dad is in a really bad mood.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
TOday was the first day of MEAP/CAAP testing. Honestly, did that require our scheduels to be screwwed up as badly as they were? No, I didn't thinks so. I've been sneezing all day. hehe. I am really looking foward to summer break. I want to get this year behid me. If I thought my 9th grade year was interesting, my 10th grade was just plain weird. Alot has happened, but I really don't want to go into detail. I've started talking my mom's new boyfriend's son (ain't that a mouth full).His name is Derrick, he's 15, in the ninth grqde, and overall a good kid. It's weird talking to my possible stepbrother without having ever met him(face to face). Oh, and he resembles Derek with his obsession with sports.
Dani Rose
Monday, April 26, 2004
I'm pretty much unofficially ungrounded. Yay!!!!!!! Anyway, life is pretty much going pretty well. {other thatn Ashley moving:< (} That sucks. I went to he r sixteenth birhtday party on Saturday. THat was fun. I met her boyfriend Eric, and Jack. Personally, I don't like either. But it's her life, her choices(as much as I don't like saying that). I just hope she is careful. There was an incident last week with my sister, but it's pretty much passed over.
THings with Greg are going wonderful. We will have been going out for 2 months on the 28th. Yay!! I don't think I could have imagined how happy I'd be dating him. (I should prolly consider changing the subject, as I don't want to nausiate the readers. reading my past blogs about Brandon were pretty sickening in even my opinion. THat's bad. The only reason why I'm not deleting them is cuz I need a reminder not to make the same mistake twice) Anyway, Emily you were right in about every aspect dealing with that whole subject.
Speaking of Emily, I'm going to kick any of my friends that forget her B-day is 5.11. and don't say anything to her. Em, I tend to make brownies for the b-day person, would you like some? And what do you want for your B-day?
Danielle Rose
Saturday, April 10, 2004
It's Easter fun! I spent much of the day shopping for stuff to fill my siblings easter baskets (yes that is a tradition for us as well as coloring eggs). What ever. I di get a new pair of shoes (for once slightly trendy). Unlike my sister alex, and emily(as we all know) I DO NOT have a shoe obsession. Actually, my standard fare is 4 pair. Now Emily has atleast 2 for every type. what ever, Im really bored.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
You are Form 1, Goddess: The Creator.
"And The Goddess planted the acorn of life.
She cried a single tear and shed a single drop
of blood upon the earth where she buried it.
From her blood and tear, the acorn grew into
the world."
Some examples of the Goddess Form are Gaia (Greek),
Jehova (Christian), and Brahma (Indian).
The Goddess is associated with the concept of
creation, the number 1, and the element of
Her sign is the dawn sun.
As a member of Form 1, you are a charismatic
individual and people are drawn to you.
Although sometimes you may seem emotionally
distant, you are deeply in tune with other
people's feelings and have tremendous empathy.
Sometimes you have a tendency to neglect your
own self. Goddesses are the best friends to
have because they're always willing to help.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, April 02, 2004
Ive been reading everyones blogs about what they've been doing for spring break, so I'll add my two-bit. This week has been very relaxing-lazing around in pjs till 11(yes that is late for me), sleeping in, and doing as little as possible....I wish. Actually, I've been doing a little of that and painting my room from sky blue w/nursery style Peter Rabbit bordering (EEWWW, but that's the way it was when I moved in, and I didn't have that time to change it), to bright lime green and lavender trim. Of course, my sister had to complain the whole time, so I ended up painting most of the room. Joy. Oh well, at least my nose isn't peeling like some other people=> hee hee.
Dani Rose
Friday, March 26, 2004
-----This is the last day before spring break. I can't decide if I'm happy or not. I need the break, but I'm grounded, which effectively cuts off all forms of communication with a certain peoples.*sigh* I finally got caught up in my Language Arts class, so not that research paper isn't so bad.
Oh Em, how accurate do you think this is?
between you and your partner in your
relationship. You are very difficult to get.
You have big requirements and this one you love
must try hard to get you. But after he melt
your heart he will be the most happy person in
the world. You need someone who shoes you that
you are special for him and it makes you feel
good to see that you are loved. He shall know
that you could easily get another boyfriend but
you wont as long as you love him. But when he
hurts you you will hurt him too. But in general
you dont get hurt. If your partner hurt you
,you would react cold and immediately (try to)
forget him
PLEASE VOTE, I want to know what you think about my
quiz, I worked hard on it.You can always
message me or tell me how I can improve that
quiz. Ill sure write back.
~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, March 18, 2004
I'm at school right usual. Em, I'm really sorry about Nick. I know how much you like him(I've heard about it enough=>j/k). I find it ironic though how you say the man of your dreams will be going to jail for 2 years. (don't ask). anyway, I'm sorry. I'll keep on the look out for a Nick replacement if that makes you feel any better. Ya know I'm here for ya.
Friday, March 12, 2004
Thursday, March 11, 2004
-----I'm currently grounded thus why I haven't been writing.(i'm doing this at school) I have a 23 F in languag arts and my dad didn't take to that very well.(duh! i wonder why!) Anyway, life is going great...for me at least. emily didn't make it into advanced acting and she's ticked to say the least. And then she just happened to tell almost everybody about a certain incedent(Geoff, you should know better than to do anything at Emily's house) so certain peoples are irritated at her for that. Needless to say life has been interesting for a while.
-----In case emily and ashley haven't told you yet, Greg and I are going out. (actually as of 2/28/04) hee hee. As Emily would put it, I'm retarded for him.
-----I better go, class is almost over. (i'm supposed to be doing research for a big research paper, and the teacher is on the prowl)
-----I'm currently grounded thus why I haven't been writing.(i'm doing this at school) I have a 23 F in languag arts and my dad didn't take to that very well.(duh! i wonder why!) Anyway, life is going great...for me at least. emily didn't amke it into advanced acting and she's ticked to say the least. And then she just happened to tell almost everybody about a certain incedent(Geoff, you should know better than to do anything at Emily's house) so certain peoples are irritated at her for that. Needless to say life has been interesting for a while.
-----In case emily and ashley haven't told you yet, Greg and I are going out. (actually as of 2/28/04) hee hee. As Emily would put it, I'm retarded for him.
-----I better go, class is almost over. (i'm supposed to be doing research for a big research paper, and the teacher is on the prowl)
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
in my eyes i see you as mysterious and strange alot
of people wish they could know you better and
you are probably an artist? i really wish there
were more people like you out there..i really
do. (rate?)
in my eyes you are...(pics and different outcomes)
brought to you by Quizilla
Hmm...I wonder if it's true....
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
This, supposedly is the guy I'm going to marry.
You are going to Marry orlando Bloom. He will
always treat you right and is very romantic. He
will do anything for you. He is very polite and
has deep brown eyes and is very good looking
(which is another plus!). He can make anything
cheesy look really hot(like sliding down stairs
on a shield shooting arrows or wearing pointy
ears for example). Congrats!!
Which male celebrity are you going to marry? (now 12 (i just added more, and still more to come!)results that have pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Cool! Either that or it would have been Tom Welling.
Well. Today certainly wasn't boring, that's for sure. Emily apparently thinks everyone is mad at her. I do know that Brandon and Derek are, but last time I checked, that's not equivelant of everyone, let alone everyone in our group. she had asked me why they didn't come to her to get her side of the story about something,
but when you put up a thorny wall, after a while, not very many people are willing to risk getting themselves hurt to find the truth.
Monday, February 02, 2004
I went to watch Brandon and Emily audition for "Bang Bang, You're Dead". they both did very well. Emily, Ashley, and I unanimously agreed that Brandon would at least make call backs. I think Emily will probably make call backs, but she disagrees. Oh well, time will tell. I'm REALLY bored!!!
Here's a REALLY weird site(it's funny)
If you go to that site, you'll agree with me, it is deranged! :-)
Got to go,
Sunday, February 01, 2004
Today was VERY weird. I spent the night last night at Eve's house and went with her to day to Driver's Ed. While there I met a guy named Josh. He's 16, a sophomore and goes to Central. He spent most of the time I was with him and Eve(I was with when she did 2 of her drives and he was there too. Once they drove to Kalkaska) hitting on me. Then he topped it of by asking me out. I've only known him one day for goodness sakes! I asked him if I could have a little time. I'm not sure what to say.
Friday, January 30, 2004
Well, I managed to get Emily mad at me again. I'm not quite sure why. I do know that she was "tired of me always asking what was wrong!" That stemmed from something kind of insignificant..I think. What happened was she was in a bad mood and for what ever reason she looked at some one or some where(it looked a lot like in Brandon's direction), with a expression that resembled severe irritation or loathing. so I looked at her, thinking"what in the heck did he do to earn your ire this time!" and she interpreted my expression as "is everything ok?" oh well. I'm getting sick and tired of this whole mess!
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Yet another snow day so here are some more Quizilla results.
Yeah, right! Some would say annoying is more like it:-), but I liked the picture.
Waaah! You're so LOVABLE! Everybody likes you,
because you're a great person to have around
and it's always happy about everything ^^.
congrats! and...can I hug you?? plz! ^///^
Yet another personality test ^-^ (nice anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
You, my friend are a true individual. You most
likely hate trends and are creative. By seeing
things differently, people either admire you or
think you are a bit strange. I'm guessing you
are a lot like me. Perhaps a Good Charlotte
hater? I hope so. An inspiration to us all,
continue being you! (If you like GC, I'm sorry,
I am just expressing an opinion)
A Deeper Look Inside Yourself (with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Actually, I like Good Charlotte in case any one cared. I have Emily to thank for that one =>
More later. *sigh* I'm ready for school.
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are one of the few out there whose wings are
truly ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and
divine, you are one blessed with a certain
cosmic grace. You are unequalled in
peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of
Light your wings are massive and a soft white
or silver. Countless feathers grace them and
radiate the light within you for all the world
to see. You are a defender, protector, and
caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver
of the wrong, chances are you are taken
advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often.
But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in
everyone and so this mistreatment does not make
you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will
try to help misguided souls find themselves and
peace. However not all Angelics allow
themselves to be gotten the better of - the
Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting
for the sake of Justice and protection of those
less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever
change - the world needs more people like you.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah, right!!!!!!! (I just liked the picture...look at the pretty colors....)
you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You
adorable, but a little out there. It's alright,
you might not have it all, but there are worse
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I like this one...*heeheeheeheeheehee*
I'm slightly irritated today. I don't understand how telling EVERYONE something about another person because that person didn't trust you. That makes lots of sense. Not only has telling everone insured that you lost what was left of the person's trust, you've lost mine. No one should have that PETTY of a reaction over something so serious. Now I will admit that the person being discussed HAS tried to earn the trust, but you can't give up. That's what trust is all about. Not giving up and PROVING yourself capable of being trustworthy.
Sorry, that was all just frusteration. We have a snow day, so I was taking full advantage of the time to rant. I hust thought that things maybe, just maybe were starting to get back to "normal", but I guess not.
Thursday, January 15, 2004
I'm at school writing this because I'm currently grounded from the computer at home until furthur notice. So if I don't write for a week or two(..or three or four or five...), you'll know why. That really stinks, but I deserve it. It was incredibly irresponsible of me to lose my father's cell phone. Oh well, I can't go back in time to undo it, so I should quit dwelling on it. During the last post, I got up to do something for just a minute and my dad got on and startee to correct wahat I wrote and add his own say in things. He is one of the more interesting prople I've met. Completely hard headed and stubborn, he is like a bulldozer, so one learns not to get in his way. Life with him is...interesting. One learns that with him, you just have to nod and say yes, allow him to rant, and go along your way anyway. Passive defiance is a good thing indeed. ;-) I can not wait until this week is over. But then again, next week won't be any better. Ahh, the joys of exams. Every day next week. Fun.
Monday, January 12, 2004
It's just been one of those days again. The type where I want to go hide in a hole and not come out for a week. I somehow managed to lose my father's cellphone for starters. And by the way if anyone has seen a dark blue almost black Nokia cell phone in a black leather cover, that would be the missing cell, and LET ME KNOW WHERE IT IS!!! Thanks. anyway, I decided not to audition for the musical so I got stuck explaining over and over why I'm not auditioning. The truth is, I don't really have a reason and I just didn'twant to. No other reason I am just a WIMP and very intimidated for no reason because I am a very, very talented singer and I can memorize a phenomenal amount of information. The last quote is according to my father, not me, I don't agree with anything he says.