Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Dani here. There's a lot on my heart today. I don't think I will go out with anyone for a long time. There's just too many htings that go into it and I don't think I'm ready for it. For one, there's the subject of Christianity. I need someone who is on the same level as me, someone who I can tatlk to personally, not just the theological issues. I need someone who I can pray with, be held and hold accountable with, read the Bible with, someone who has the same values as me. Going out with someone who isn't a Christian or on the same lvel with me only succeeds in getting me hurt. That's why if for some strange reason that Derek ever asked me out, I would probably say no. He's Catholic, but that's not the same thing, and even if it were, he doesn't acvt like it which leads me to believe that it isn't in his heart. That is what matters,what's in his heart. He can say he is Christian all he wants, but if it isn't in his heart, then what is the point. Oh, well, the chance of him EVER asking me out are nil to none, let alone even liking me. I really need to stop liking him.
I wonder what I'd do if he and Em ever went out. They are alot alike and he says he hates her(although the truth may not be what he says), so I kind of dubt that they would ever go out.
Alex "loves" me and I wish he wouldn't. I don't want to be cynical, but they "depth" of his emotions for me are doubtful. He probably just likes me or is infatuated with me and is exxagerated it and he doesn't deal well with the fact that I have NO romantic attachments to him what so ever.
I really wish Em an d Derek wouldn't fight so much, but tring to stop it is like tring to get Em to say something positive about Bush or Gulf War II...hard, if not impossible.