Monday, March 20, 2006



Graduation in two and a half months. Shoot me now. Not seriously. I'm bored out of my mind. It's funny to realise that Jocey is really the only one of us who continues to write in her blog. Me, my comperter crashes too often and I don't have the time. emily is a workaholic, and Greg has no time either. It was good while it lasted though, eh? Musical is killing me. I just finished a run of ten shows, and will be performing the final performance in two weeks. In a week, I am going to Laura's house for spring break. Nothing like last year's break, but still really cool. Going to St. John and D.C. Will always be won't beat out my upcoming Europe trip either. Oh my gosh....I can't believe I'm going to Europe. Emily several months ago complained about me talking about it. I, of course, refrian from mentioning it, but still: give me a break. I seem to remember how much she talked about going to Rome, so it's not like she has that much room to talk. I just had to convince my mom to give me the money to pay for my AP test. AP lang is deinitly much better than September (I got a 5--the highestgrade you can get--on my semester exam grade), but still, I dread that class. I'm not doing well in it either, right now at least. My computer keeps making funny noises...

Dani Rose