Saturday, June 26, 2004


I just re-pierced my ears using a safety pin. Yes, I was really bored. Anyway, Emily is on her way home. She got hurt earlier in the week while at SCA. :-( So she's gotta come back home. That sucks, cuz she was really looking foward to spending the month there. I've been hearing about SCA for the past year, actually. I asked Miss Ann if I could go with her to pick Emily up, but she said "no, Emily won't be seeing anyone for awhile. oO *sigh* I'm sorry Emily.

Dani Rose

Friday, June 25, 2004

Sweet and Tangy Lemonade

There's something to be said for sweet and tangy lemonade. Yummm :-)
Dani Rose

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


I'm really happy right now. I got my report card back, and I got all A's and B's with a final GPA of 3.5. I'm really happy, and this means that I am not grounded for the summer. Yay!!!
Dani Rose

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Nanny's House

Yep, that's where I'm at right now: Nanny's house. Nanny is my grandmother, and every once in a while, I stay hee for a weekend. Lot's of fun. Ash;ey was here yesterday. We went on a bike ride, and got a McFlurry. Yumm.. And we also talked about her moving and guys and stuff. I'm really going to miss her. The "3 Musketeers" won't be "3" anymore, it'll just be Emmy and I. Emmy and I have a lot of fun together, and we probably will even after Ashley is gone, but it won't be the same. *sigh*
Dani Rose

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Still tired...

We all saw Emily off to the plane, and she's gone now. What a morning. I've given up on the idea of sleep. Now I know how an airport works (i've never been to an airport before). I'm going to miss Emmy. Happy Birthday Jocey!!!!! She is Sweet Sixteen now. Hehe
Dani Rose

*Yawn*....and why did I agree to get up this early...?

-I'm sorry, but it four in the morning on summer vacation, and I'm wide awake. What's wrong with this picture?
-Actually, Emily is leaving for SCA today, and because she has an early flight, I decided to get up with her. Katie and Ashley will get up...soon. Emily and I got less than 4 hours of sleep because we were just talking so much. Well...I'm not going to be able to talk to my best friend for a month, so it's worth it. It'll probably be like this when Emily is here for that one week in July(?), because it will be the last time Emmy and Ashley will see each other. Why do people have to move? Really immature view for me considering that moving was the best thing that ever happened to me. I was NOT liked at ALL down where I used to live, but I was so used to it, I stopped noticing it. Yeah...anyway, if I hadn't moved up here, I wouldn't have met "The Group". Such a creative name for our group of friends, ain't it? Well down in the lion's den (i.e. waking up Katie and Ashely at 4:30am)
Dani rose

Tuesday, June 15, 2004


My dad has given me an assignment. i must read Beowulf by tomorrow so that I may be able to discuss it with him which will in turn help him write a paper on it. Hmm facinating..English Literature. A class that I would love to take, but the only reason why my father is taking it is because he must have 6 credits per grading period in order to qualify for the GI bill (i.e.,so that he will get paid for going to college). Fun=> hehe. Jocelyn's 16th birthday is in one day. Happy Birthday Jocelyn!!!!!! Emily is leaving on Thursay =< She'll be gone for a month. Well, I'll be able to spend tomorrow with her, so it's all good. Zach, if you are reading this, I need to talk to you via AIM. But i can't tonight, I'm babysitting. Joy. hmm..apparently Beowulf was written in the middle ages about germans. Interesting. And of course I can't concentrate on this thing at all. Figures. It'll take me a while to get into this, but I will. Emily, you really need to update your blog.
Dani Rose

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Emmy is here!!!!!

-Emily is here. Her mom and Emily came over for dinner. That's interesting. We're considering an improptu sleepover. Ahh the big disicions in life. Some important stuff happened on Friday, but it's Emmy's thing, so I'm not going to get into the details. But it's so cute!!!!Our little girl is growing up!!!!!hehe *avoiding her hitting me* *sigh* I got to talk to Greg today:-)We've been really busy so we haven't been able to talk as much as I would have liked. I better go.
-Dani Rose

Saturday, June 12, 2004


-My sister and her friend went digging through my parents drawer. They took out a couple condoms, and entertained themselves by filling them up with water. That is disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sigh* Out of my group of friends, I am one of the few conservatives. I don't like to get into political arguments because I don't have enough info to back me up. The only reason why I am a conservative is because of moral reasons. Anyway, my mission this summer is to learn how to research, and the research political issues. I hate being ignorant. I also hate it when some one proves their ignorance by opening up their mouth. The only time I do that is with the nasty stuff that my friends come uyp with. I'm known as the group innocent as a reason. That label doesn't bother me until they start treating me like I'm a complete idiot, or treat me like a fragile glass doll that needs to be protected form anything and everything. I'm glad that they like to watchout for me, but I don't need that much protecting. I get into a whole lot less sticky situations than some other people. Oh well. Seahorses are cute.
-Jocey's Birthday is in four days. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! hehe.

Wonderful..just wonderful! *in a sarcastic voice*

-Guess what! My purse was taken. I know I was stupid for leaving it somewhere for a semi-long perod time, but sheesh! There was nothing of value to anyone but me, so why did they have to take it?! They also took my bag of clothes which happened to have my only bathing suit. There is a possibility that a teacher took it and it's still at the school, but I doubt it. Ok, enough whining..on to the fun stuff..
-Last night was soo much fun. Emily had an end of school party. Greg, Emily(duh!), Ashley, Jocie, Noelle, Geoff, Chad, and Brandon (surprisingly) were all there. We watched a whole bunch of movies, took several walks, joked, gave Brandon a facial, and in the morning played truth or dare. Some interesting stuff happened, but I'm not going into detail. Greg had to leave kida early and I missed him. but Jocey didn't get to see her bf at whatever. Emily is going to SCA in several days :-( I hope she has fun. well I had better go.

Dani Rose

Thursday, June 10, 2004


Well, the project was successful. I got all my crap done, and did a good presentation. I'm a pro at procrastination. I like to think it's inherited. hehe. It drives my parents NUTS!!!! Anyway, I'm going to Laura's tonight. This aught to be interesting. I can't wait till Emily's party tomorrow. Tomorrow is also my last day of school. Yes!! I'm so happy. Of course, my sister is trying her best to make me feel really guilty because I had her babysit instead of me. She needs the money to pay dad back for losing something, but she has exams tommorrow and it's going to be a late night.She refuses to take her study materials with her which is really stupid. So whatever.

Dani Rose


I got up at 3:45am in order to get this project done. Voila! It is finished. Yay!!! Right now it is 5:15am, so I'm a bit tired. I think I will go to bed.hehe

Kiss my Furby!!!
Dani Rose

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Cramming (or at least I should be)

As you can tell from the title, I'm supposed to be cramming. Remember the final project I wrote about? I am just now starting on it. It is due tomorrow. This is a typical habit of mine. 1 more class, 2 more days as a sophomore.

Dani Rose

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Only a few more days..I'm bored...

Only two more classes for me, and 3 more days as a Sophomore of West Senior High. Just about two years till I graduate. Wow, they weren't kidding when they said time flies. Oh, Brandon accepted my apology today. I'm bored. Why is it that when ever they show a commercial for outdoor activities, they always play the banjo or some other redneck sounding music? maybe I'll tamper with the settings.

Dani Rose

Monday, June 07, 2004!!

Jocey, how do you put the profile on your blog?

Dani Rose

Jocie's party..among things

Yesterday, I metioned Alex's makeover. Let me clarify, that was a DARE!!!! I've heard from someone that it's getting around to other people who weren't there. If anyone who is reading this and has said something to those who have no business knowing, DIE!!!
hehe. Oh, I think Brandon's mad at me for talking about him behind his back, and the girl I was talking to told him. I am sorry. But allow me to clarify that A: She asked B:he maybe mad cuz I didn't say anything to his face, but everytime I tried, he either blew it off or yelled at me and C: I didn't say anything I couldn't have told to his face (given the chance). So yeah, I'm sorry.

Dani Rose

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Utmost boredom

I'm fooling around with my radio right's not cooerating. Errr..Oh well. Last week of school starting tomorrow. Yay!!! So much has happened, but as Emily would say, I'm not going to get into the gory details. Jocey's b-day party was yesterday. It was alot of fun. THere was a water balloon fight(that is until everyone made a mess and Jocey got tired of it). Then of course there was "truth or dare". I applaud Alex (turtle). He was a very brave soul in allowing the girls to give him a makeover. Hehe. and we got pictures. I'm having fun changing the fonts and stuff.

Kiss my Furby!!!
Dani Rose

Friday, June 04, 2004

I'm typing this while at school, when I'm supposed to be doing my final exam project. Gah! What in the world was Mr. Tiesworth thinking when he decided that we should do a project instead of a traditional exam?!? Probably that most people do better on projects than exams. Not the case with me. I suck at projects (procrastination...keeping up with yesterday as Brandon would say), but excel at standardized tests and such. Whatever. I'm so excited about the end of the school year. I have less than a week. I'm lucky, I'm exempt from my gym exam(I hate gym as a rule), and it happens to be on the last day of school. I don't have to go to school, but I am anyways. I'll just hang out with Chad and Laura. Yay!!! Tiesworth still isn't here...ha tends to be later than the students. anyway...Greg and I have been going out for 3 months and counting. It is absolutly wonderful:-)He is the only one who has the patience to deal with my fluctating moods with ease (I swear, he has the patience of a saint!). People say that I have him "whipped", which kinda confuses me. In other words, they think that if I said "jump", he's say "how high". But in reality, if I said "jump", he's more likely to put a lon-suffering look on his face and roll his eyes.(yeah, I'm purposely taking things literally:->)He's really sweet:-D Wednesday afternoon, he randomly gave me a pretty flower...I'm definatly going to save it.*sigh*. Ashley is moving in about two months. I'm really going to miss her. We went from kinda friends to best friends in about a year, and we've went through quite a bit together. She is the type that I quite easily spen 6 hours at the mall and never be bored(I can't normally stay there any longer than 2 hours). If I had a problem, I could talk to her about it without getting yelled at, and at the same time, she doesn't have much of a problem talking to me. Emily, Ashley and I: The 3 musketeers. ;-)
Dani Rose

Tuesday, June 01, 2004


How di y'all change the layout? I don't know how to do that. YAY!!!!!! Schools almost out!!!!!!!!!