Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Emily told me that when Geoff read my Christmas entry he said "Holy ----! I didn't know that anyone even dani could get that sappy about Christmas!" Well I'm sorry if I'm not as cynical as some other people:-) Sure I'm sentimental, but there isn't anything wrong with that.
A new year is almost upon us. PARTY!! (no, actually I'm baby sitting New Years Eve, but who has to know;-P ) Another year of trouble and mahem to cause, new friendships, all that jazz.

Thursday, December 25, 2003


Ahhh...Christmas Day. What a wonderful holiday. It's not all about getting gifts (although that is a nice tradition) and caroling and stuff. There's more to it. More than giving and family. It's about the ultimate gift to the whole world. The gift of salvation. The best gift I can think of. Oh I can't wait until that sweet someday. But for now I'm happy now ;-)
On a less serious subject, Christmas has been great so far for me. I got to see part of my family today and will see my mother tomorrow YEAH!!! I got a CD walkman, a photo album, a watch, earrings, a couple shirts, a crimper-straitener-waver-thingy, a turquoise necklace, a calender, and rose-scented soaps. I have a very giving family. I hope they liked my gifts.
Emily is back from Italy. She had a great time from what she's told me. I think the break has done us both some good. By the last week she was here, the tension was palpatable. *sigh*
More later..

Saturday, December 20, 2003

It's been one of those mornings. I woke up with a cold and a headache. I got in a fight with my sister Alex and my throat is becoming sore. then she starts nagging me about being the oldest and not doing my share. HA!!!!!!! Little does that child know. Being me isn't all that fun. I've been half-raising the kids since eleven years old, plus being expected to act about twice my age at times. Ugh!
but I have so many blessings; I'm not complaining....at all. It's just sometimes I'm a little overwhelmed.

Friday, December 19, 2003

i'm at school right now and I'm fooling around because I've nothing better to do. today is the last day of school for this half of the year. I can't beleive I've gotten so far. In three months, I've dumped a boy friend, got asked out twice, got into a fight with Emily, developed a crush on someone, gotten my heart bruised, got a lead role in a couple of plays, got all A's(for once. and no I'm not showing off, it's just the truth), become one of the better singers in my choir, and gained a great friend. But how all this stuff came about wasn't fun, actually i think I've been through more heart ache in these three months than I did last year.
Emily is in italy and she is enyoying herself. what are the chances of her getting a little tipsy on Italian wine;-p
I used to like him, but now my feelings are wholly platonic. now brandon on the other hand....
=-) Ah the joys of the heart(NOT!!!!!!!!!) or should I say..tentacles of joy;-P (private joke between me and Jocie) And about Brandon liking Terrilee, I think he did, but not as much any more. he doesn't seem to be as anamorous about her.

Friday, December 05, 2003

As usual, I managed to botch things up terribly..again. Greg asked me out today,and because I wasn't expecting him to do so at that time and I reacted wrongly. Instead of being tactful and asking for some time, I immediatly said no. I feel REALLY BAD, but there's not much I can do now. Everybody knew I was probably going to say no but they pushed him to ask me out anyway. They said he needed to go through the "experience". They are right but it doesn't make it any easier. They're also pushing Alex to ask out the girl he likes, TerriLee. I haven't told y'all(yes Em, I did say y'all) about her, so hare's what I know. Alex likes her, but alot of people thinks she likes Brandon and he likes her.(but then again, some says he's that way with alot of girls) It seems that way, but he says that he isn't even thinking about it much and they are just friends. He doesn't want to go aout with anyone right now because he might be moveing back to Colorado. I still like Brandon alot, but not qutie as much as before. Anyway, TerriLee is a very nice, slightly sarcastic, but fun to be around.
Em isn't feeling well; I hope she feels better. She'e going to ITALY in several days. Ihope she enjoys the trip.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

It's really interesting how COMPLETLY oblivious Em, Jocie, Geoff, and a few others think
I am. I know I'm very nieve, the group innocent, and all that jazz, but good grief! I'm not as blind as they seem to think I am. I can see that Brandon flirts alot, I can tell when someone likes me(sometimes), I can tell whether or not to trust someone. I see the signs(referring to whether or not someone likes me)....sometimes; it's just that I pass it off as misreading them, so i ignore them to the point of seemingly obliviousness, thus why I am VERY surprised upon learning that so and so likes me.
Brandon broke up with Sarah a week ago. What fun. He's planning on remaining single until after Christmas break cuz of things going on at home. Don't ask, cuz I ain't saying.

Monday, November 03, 2003

Em, I'm not going out with Greg. I don't like him that way, never have. And about Brandon....I know. I shouldn't like him because he flirts alot and has a girlfriend and I should get over him. I can't. And don't you like him as well? :-)I know, not as much as me. But I'm willing to take the risk of getting hurt. I just have this feeling that there is something more beyond what it is your seeing. That he is actually a pretty good guy. But maybe I won't risk it. You, my father, my sister(who I don't trust what she says), and two aquantances(Jocie and Geoff) are telling me to stay away from him, that he is bad news. The funny thing is, my intuition hasn't been giving me misgivings. But since he is going out with someone else, I will make a consious effort to get over him. This is definately an excercise in hitting my head against the wall.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

There was a dance last night. It definatly wasn't one of the better ones that I've been to. Em got mad at me for "dragging" her ther. I admit, I wanted to go and made it clear to her, so I felt bad when it turned out to be slightly lame. And she wasn't feeling well, but she didn't see fit to let me know until the dance. If I knew, I probably wouldn't have dragged her there. The music was more often crappy that not. I did get to dance with Brandon though; slow dance included. I actually didn't mind that, which is semi unusual, considering that I normally hate slow dancing. While dancing, we had an interesting conversation. He apologized yet again for the last two weeks. As he accuratly put it, (forgive me for swearing, but I'm quoting him), "The past two weeks have been hell for you, hasn't it?". It sure hasn't been easy, that's for sure :-) Oh well, all things pass. What I want to know is if he supposedly likes me, then why is he going out with Sarah? She can be incredibly mean and self-absorbed and is exactly opposite of him. I know opposites attract, but I think that crosses the line. He probably either a. Doesn't like me, and likes her, or b. Doesn't want to hurt her, as some people have already told me. I'm more inclined to beleive a.
I just found out that Greg STILL likes me. Everyone looked at me as if I were an idiot when they realised that I didn't know. That's slightly irritating, but I am an idiot. I'm baffled as to why I'm all of a sudden getting attention from guys. Every year before this, I've been teased and ignored. Oh well. More later,

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

In response to what I wrote yesterday, I do to trust Brandon. As unitnelligent as it probably is, I do. Em had yelled at me last night about trusting him so blindly. She had said something about a rumor going around that Brandon was cheating on Ashley with Sarah, and I din't even think about believing her. He said that he couldn't stand lying, and that definatly counts for lying. Anyway, she told me to take off my blinders. The thing is, I don't think he could do something like that. I mean, Fridaay is a good example. When he unknowingly made a mistake, he seriously got depressed and wouldn't stop trying to make it up to me. Either that, or he's an Emmy award worthy actor. I'm inclined to beleive the first one. Why can't life be fair to those who deserve it the most? (no, I'm not referring to myself)

Monday, October 27, 2003

thursday and Friday were quite easily the worst days I've had in a long time. On thursday, em and I got in to a fight . It all started out when Em and Derek started fighting. I finally got sick of her beating on him and I yelled at her. Lucky me, Brandon was there as well. It then ran off and Brandon very kindly started to help put the peices back together. He got Em and Derek to apoligize and helped me calm down. I then embarrassed myself by crying on him.
On Friday, I found out he(Brandon) was going out with Sarah. That wouldn't have been a problem, except for the fact that I like him as more than a friend and I was under the impression that he liked me too and was single. We had misunderstood what eachother had said which was why I landed in that fiasco. Because of that, trust went down the drain. My dad doesn't even want me to hang out with him. He says that a guy who even when going out with another should NOT flirt with another and give her the impression that he is single and cares for her. The problem is that I am entirely TOO trusting, forgiving and nieve. It's not in me to distrust someone who has been kind too me. I know that, yet I'm still like that. I don;t even know if I can trust him anymore.

Monday, October 20, 2003

I'm kinda in a bad mood. Em and Derek got in another argument today and because of it, Em left early. Will she not learn that in order for Derk to be nice to her over a long period of time, She needs to be continually kind. Derek is an insensitive jerk. Em overreacts (And Em, if you are reading this, you do to overreact, don't try telling me you don't).
I'm also very happy. For one, Brandon wants me to dance with him at the dance in a couple of weeks. For two he gave me his phone number. Actually, I gave mine to him first, but who cares.

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Great, now Em might be developing a.....thing for Brandon. This is how we became friends though. We found out that we both liked the same guy being Derek and that's how we bonded. I'm ok with her posibly having a very slight crush on him, it would be hard not to. I know that she wouldn't do anything drastic such as try to atract his attention knowing that I already like him. Besides, now she understands how I feel.
this will make us better friends. oh well.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Well ife has just gotten very interesting. Brandon has addmitted that he might have a crush on me. OH MY GOSH!!!!! i have no idea what I'm supposed to feel. If he didn't have a girlfriend already, things might be a little more simple. but since that isn't the case, I'll just have to deal. I think I'll just wait and see what happens.

Monday, October 06, 2003

It's been a let's say.... insightful day. Well in order to get to that , I have to tell about what kind of mood I was this morning(although that doesn't have much to do with it, I still want to talk about it). I was really happy for three reasons. (1.) I counted my blessings. When I think of wht God has done in my life, I have no reason to be
depressed. in one year, I got several great friends, My Dad met and married the love of his life (besides God), Debbie, my new step-mom as of August 31, 2002. I gained three new step-siblings who I absolutely love, I had my first boyfriend(not necessarily a good thing, but definately a learning experience), and I have a warm and caring church that I'm a part of. (2.) The second reason was that I get to see my friend again (3.) She was bringing me Jelly-Belly's, my all-time most favorite candy/food.
Well anyway, I was very hyper until I got to second hour. there I found out that my friend, let's call this person ABC was depressed(and this person is rarely depressed.)
I also found out why ABC was depressed. the person before living here lived in another state and had a certain special friend there. ABC tried to keep her out of trouble when she was drunk and having problems. Basically, ABC tried to keep her alive. One of the reasons that ABC is here in the first place is because the courts ordered ABC to live with ABC's dad.(I don't know why). Anyway,the girl called ABC a couple nights ago asking if ABC was coming back. ABC said no. Well last night, the girl commited suicide and ABC thinks it's their fault never mind that they are miles apart from the other person. ABC is carrying the guilt of a suicide that isn't ABC's fault. The thing is, thatit isn't their fault, and ABC had no one to rely on for strength. ABC wants to solve all the world's problems while leaning on their self as much as possible. ABC is a Christian which is good because,ABC understands what I mean when I say that they CAN rely on God. I had a hard time convinsing the person that their feelings and emotions ARE legitimate and that ABC doesn't have to be made of steel. More later

Sunday, October 05, 2003

The homecoming dance was last night. I really enjoyed it. Even though I said that I don't dance, I danced anyway(a lot). Greg got me a corsage and bought my ticket, which surprised me. I wasn't expecting that. It was funny how all the girls(including me) went around complementing each other on their dresses no matter if they liked it or not. It seems to be some type of ritual we have, to get all dressed up to see who has the best dress and hair style. May the guys never know what it's like for preparations to get all dolled up. It MUST have been a guy who when irritated at the female species, designed the high heels. Greg did dance, which is good, because if he didn't, Brandon threatened to tickle me as much as possible on Monday. (He'll probably tickle me anyway). I did slow dance with Greg, although I have little desire to do that again. no offence to Greg, I have little desire to slow dance with any guy. (even the one's I like). I just don't like being so close to guys, and I don't for the most part like them touching me. I don't understand why. At the pep rally on Friday, I was half asleep when Brandon tickled me. I jerked a wake, panicked even though, I the back of my mind,I knew who it was. i know that the first few seconds, I had a frightened expression on my face. (it may have been just because I wasn't expecting it). It was pretty interesting watching Brandon attempting to "rave". I want to know what "rave" is, because, I don't think that it was what Brandon thought it was. Other than that, he was pretty good at dancing, considering that it was his first time dancing. It was for me too. Ashley is really lucky, and I'm happy for her(and just the tinyist bit jealous, but that's ok)
More later

Friday, October 03, 2003

Today was a pretty uninteresting day at school, other than the pep rally. I'm not going into very much detail over that. If you want a little of it though, go to livinginafishbowl.blogspot. I hung out with Brandon during the preparation of it and durining it. I made the mistake of telling him that I'm veerryy ticklish. after that, it seemed, he couldn't refrain from it:-) I had asked him whether or not he was just screwing with my mind yesterday, and he said no for three reasons: 1.That's mean
2. He's honest to a fault 3. He hates dishonesty. I don't think he has any romantic attatchment to me (which is good, because he has a girlfriend). He's just really nice to girls, I guess. It's late, I'm going to bed.

Thursday, October 02, 2003

Dani here. As I beleive I've said before, what I have written last week isn't nessasarily
how I feel now. I'm starting to get over Derek. I know that that will probably never amount to anything, so why waste time and emotions over him. I've been starting to think like this for a while, but haven't said anything since I knew I still have feelings for him, it's completly obvious, and I don't like appearing as if my emotions sway like the wind, drifting to one interest to another. I'm not like that, but I don't tend to say things pretaining to my heart without thinking it over, and even then, I'm still not sure. It will take some time, but I'm going to try my hardest to get over him. I'm on my way, but definetly not even close yet.
Just when I think that I have everything figured out, there's a new twist to the plot of life.
In geometry, I sit in a group of four: Allison, Brandon, Ashley(Brandon's girlfriend), and me. Brandon and I have taken up with having written discussions, mainly about nothing in specific. Well lately, our discussions have turned more serious. Today, Brandon's girlfriend wasn't here. He started complementing me telling me I was beautiful(which I'm not used to that considering Dad is the only one to say things like that to me, but then again he's supposed to) which was of course flustering me and making me blush(which seemed to encourge him more) which flustered me more. I had asked him why he was saying that stuff and he just came up with a couple of very cryptic statements. He said something about a small certain lack of trust between his girlfriend and him.(I wonder why. He is cute and he's nice to all girls)
he said he was going to wait and see if it grows or diminishes. It was on the tip of my tounge to ask if he was using me to test the waters(but then again, she wasn't here. That doesn't bode well for what type of character he has). He also said he wasn't telling why. It is very possible that I am overeacting and it will blow over tomorrow. Or he was playing with my mind. If that's the case, he's very successful at it.(whydo I feel like I am deluding myself as usual? I'm very good at that). I will wait and see tomorrow. The problem is, I think I'm starting to like him. He HAS a girlfriend!
He had asked me why I alwys blush or smile when he is in proximity(I didn't realise I was). He seems to be a great person, but I'm not totally sure. He says he's a Christian and he is the first guy I've talked to who actually understands what I'm saying when I'm talking about Christianity. He doesn't swear very much, has a great sence of humor, is intelligent, isn't obsessed with sports(even though he does play football), doesn't seem to be oblivious,and treats females right (chilvilrous). I don't know him well enough, but that could be remedied. Time will tell.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

How is it that I can't seem to keep my mouth shut?!? Last night I accidentally called my sister Alex a slut. I meant to say that she tends to dress like one, which hurt her feelings. I don't think I should have told her that she looks like a slut even if half that time she does. She has to have her shirts super tight, jeans butt huggersand super low,(thus showing off her belly), and skirts and shorts really short. If they aren't she roles them up.Slut isn't even the right word for that.I guess the only way to describe it is that she is someone who is too nieve to realize exactly what type of message her clothes are sending. Yes, a lot of people dress like that, but that doesn't mean she should. I'm kind of worried about her. She hangs out with absolute JERKS, and one day I'm afraid that one of them is going to hurt her in someway or get her into trouble somehow. I know, I shouldn't be borrowing trouble, but it's kind of hard NOT to worry about her.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Dani here. There's a lot on my heart today. I don't think I will go out with anyone for a long time. There's just too many htings that go into it and I don't think I'm ready for it. For one, there's the subject of Christianity. I need someone who is on the same level as me, someone who I can tatlk to personally, not just the theological issues. I need someone who I can pray with, be held and hold accountable with, read the Bible with, someone who has the same values as me. Going out with someone who isn't a Christian or on the same lvel with me only succeeds in getting me hurt. That's why if for some strange reason that Derek ever asked me out, I would probably say no. He's Catholic, but that's not the same thing, and even if it were, he doesn't acvt like it which leads me to believe that it isn't in his heart. That is what matters,what's in his heart. He can say he is Christian all he wants, but if it isn't in his heart, then what is the point. Oh, well, the chance of him EVER asking me out are nil to none, let alone even liking me. I really need to stop liking him.
I wonder what I'd do if he and Em ever went out. They are alot alike and he says he hates her(although the truth may not be what he says), so I kind of dubt that they would ever go out.
Alex "loves" me and I wish he wouldn't. I don't want to be cynical, but they "depth" of his emotions for me are doubtful. He probably just likes me or is infatuated with me and is exxagerated it and he doesn't deal well with the fact that I have NO romantic attachments to him what so ever.
I really wish Em an d Derek wouldn't fight so much, but tring to stop it is like tring to get Em to say something positive about Bush or Gulf War II...hard, if not impossible.