Friday, October 03, 2003

Today was a pretty uninteresting day at school, other than the pep rally. I'm not going into very much detail over that. If you want a little of it though, go to livinginafishbowl.blogspot. I hung out with Brandon during the preparation of it and durining it. I made the mistake of telling him that I'm veerryy ticklish. after that, it seemed, he couldn't refrain from it:-) I had asked him whether or not he was just screwing with my mind yesterday, and he said no for three reasons: 1.That's mean
2. He's honest to a fault 3. He hates dishonesty. I don't think he has any romantic attatchment to me (which is good, because he has a girlfriend). He's just really nice to girls, I guess. It's late, I'm going to bed.

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