Friday, January 26, 2007


You know what is sad? I want an iPod. Last year when I first started thinking about an mp3 player, I settled on a Creative zen Microphoto as a less expensive solution, and I got onw for my birthday after 3 months of convincing my dad. So when I started think about how an iPod was better than my thingy...I don't know..I'm not going to get one unti my payer dies, but it's nice to think about. I have a slightly obsessive personality..and my L button is being stubborn. anyways, I just need something else to distract myself with. For a my talk about how mature I am, I'm not realy that mature. I've been thinking about dying lately. I's kind of scary to think about because nobody really knows what will body really know is there really is life after death. I've always believed there was, even before I knew about God. i use to dream of dying (at 5 years old..) and going to 'heaven' holding my favorite barbie and wondering whether angels would realy et me take my barbie. The thing that scares me the most is the possibilit of there really being nothing beyond our life now. I don't want to think that someday, all that I am might completely come to an end. One really does have the feeling that one is immortal, if only in spirit and mind. Life would really seem so pointless, human need for greatness would really seem so pointless, love would reallyseem so pointless if there is nothing to continue those things past our own fragile lives. Or is the concept of heaven just something to concol us in our grief for others and for the eventual loss of our own lives. Why, then, is the concept of some form of life after death so prevelant throughout societies.

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